I suspect I've fallen into every engine-swap trap in the history of GM. In addition to the brackets and motor mounts issues mentioned previously here's the ones I remember slapping my forehead over:
Check that throttle linkage is compatible, that the kick-down rod or cable still fits, that the transmission coolant lines will clear the new block, that the positive battery cable will reach the starter and stay off your exhaust manifold and pipe (fire sucks), that the wiring (warning lights, gauges, distributor etc) will reach and connect, that the power steering pump will clear the frame (or will match to the other block if you choose to leave your Chevelle's in place), that you have radiator and heater hoses that fit, that your exhaust manifolds will bolt up to the exhaust pipes and, if you keep your Olds alternator, that it's the same type (internal or external regulator) as the one on the Chevelle block. Maybe for a '70 that won't be an issue. Also, if you change intake manifolds and/or valve covers, make sure one or the other still has an oil filler hole - that was my all-time favourite gaffe.
I've made all these errors, and more I can't remember. And, when you slap your forehead and say "Doh!" make sure you haven't got a 9/16s wrench in your hand (ouch!).
BTW, can the list help me with this one: I've just put a 283 with an HEI distributor in my '66 Chevelle. But the wiring harness off the firewall was for the old points-style distributor and coil. Do I hook up to the BATT terminal on the HEI those two wires that formerly went to the coil? Or just one, and which one?
Thanks for any assistance.
Del, with a dent in his forehead :-)

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