Anyone on the list have webspace sitting idle?  If so, does anyone else have
web based experience?  OK, now here's the real kicker, is anyone interested
in making the leap into the next level of communicating?  I guess what I'm
trying to sell here is turning the list into a forum based deal.  Kinda like
this:  or this:  or even this:

I'm a member of all three of these.  It works great, and you don't have to
worry about people getting all aggrevated about getting off the list, and
you can check whatever posts you want to check, whenever you want to check
them.  It also organizes the subjects up, so if wsomeone has a technical
question, they can post it in a tech realted section, and someone that just
wants to BS, can post in the general discussions area.  I for one would love
to see us turn the list this direction. I think it would be beneficial to
all of us.  

Just a suggestion.  I wish I was experienced enough, and had the web space
to put it together myself, but alas, I can not.  I would however be willing
to help out as much as possible with the sites creation.  Pelle, this may be
something for your page.  It would add a lot of traffic, which could stir up
interest from sponsor types.  Maybe a little extra $$ for the Chevelle!?!  

Comments on the idea????


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