At 03:55 PM 7/6/2004, you wrote:
That's not the one I searched for, the one I miss is march 2004 and it
seems that I have found it.

Spring 2004 ??? is that a special issue or something ??? I only get the
12 months (sometimes less)

I don't know--I quit subscribing to magazines a while back & I just buy them on the newsstand when I see something that interests me. The cover of this issue has a flamed '65 Malibu SS with 3 babes riding on the back seat cushion. It may have been a special issue, but you're welcome to it if you want. Does the Italian post office have a special book rate like here in the US? Email me off-list with your address & I'll send it to you. BTW, I will get the measurements for you soon. I've been so busy lately with the holidays and work that I haven't even pulled the cover off of the Chevelle in 2 1/2 weeks.


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