Thanks for the good tip!

Sounds better than a wire brush or the power washer :)


On 7/12/2004 5:45:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> make this short I was useing por-15 on my skylark trunk and stuff, I was
> almost done and all of the sudden I sliped and fell kinda in the freshly
> painted trunk.
> NOW I had por 15 all over my arms and know how it does not come off AT
> I started looks around my garage and I seen OIL EATER it is safe and
> bio degradable.
> I bought this stuff a shucks in a gallon jug,
> so I said what the hell I started with just putting it on and rubbing it
> in.. it was kinda like soap little foamy witch was nice. I let it set and
> a little more on and put it on a clean rag. ALL of the sudden it just
> wiped OFF.. HOLY CRAP !! it works.
> I did not peal skin off (RAY) nothing.
> it came right off and no hard rubbing
> it OIL EATER white jug with orange label  dont forget IT
> randy g
> the best handy tip of the YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> 64 skylark
> ---------------------------------

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