Thanks for the info about the speed minder. Didn't even know that existed in
Chevelles or El Caminos. I guess I'll have to try not to go over 120 mph or
I'll hear that annoying buzzer. Also, you were right that I replaced the
wrong flasher. Will try replacing the right one tomorrow. All the bulbs,
bezels and wiring is new. Also, they do flash, just slowly. So, I don't
think it's a ground or power problem. If that were the case they wouldn't
work at all, or at the very least the behavior would be intermittent.

In the meantime, what's the sound of no valves tapping? Well, it's a good
sound. I also adjusted the carb after adjusting the valves and she is
purring like a kitten now. Hopefully we'll also get some better MPGs. She's
quiet enough now (w/o the tapping and w/ a smoother idle) that I was able to
hear an exhaust leak where the shop welded my down pipes to the Flowmaster
pipes. Put my hand in there and sure enough exhaust is escaping. I'm going
to call them first thing tomorrow to see if they can fix it right this time.

I didn't have a chance to check for the short today but for now
disconnecting the battery when I'm shutting down is enough to keep the
battery from draining. Thanks for all the input. I'll post again when I've
had a chance to try to track it down.

John Nasta

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Bill Lessenberry
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 2:26 PM
To: The Chevelle Mailing List
Subject: RE: [Chevelle-list] Got a short & new q's

>My speedometer has 2 needles on it. A red one that tells me how fast I'm
>going, and a white one that seems to be pinned at 120 mph. What is the
>one for?

You must have the "Speed Minder" option--a buzzer will go off when you
exceed the speed that you set with the white needle.  This is a relatively
rare option.

>Also, my blinkers are reeeeaaallly slow.
>  I bought a new flasher and popped it in for a
>few seconds and it didn't seem to make a difference. What else could be
>causing this?

Where did you plug in the flasher?  If you plugged it into the fuse block,
you did wrong.  The T/S flasher is under the dash.


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