hey john i wish would keep opinion to yourself and file this under bull shit, because that's what it is bull,  bush is a drunk a war monger and a greedy oil miser, this man should be tar and feathered right out of the white house, Kerry fought for this nation when bush sat on his drunk ass and would not bother to show up for the guards, his daddy  save his butt, then and now pull his strings. bush has killed more innocent people then bin laden did, in the name of what i don't know,  more then likely its the oil, he couldn't drill the in Alaska so he went and made up all this bullshit, just so he could steal the Iraq's people oil,  if you would read between the lines and see what is really going on then you would not waste my time responding to this letter, if bush steal this election like he did before this nation will be crushed by our enemies, there only one reason why we haven't been attack, because they seen how the country rally behind bush, after the last hit and they don't want bush in the white anymore then i do,  bush let the entire bin laden family fly home after the 911 hit, when there wasn't a plane in the sky that family had permission from bush to leave without being question one bit that alone proves he is in bed with the Saudi family, and by the way 19 of the hijackers where from Saudi Arabia, IM tired of typing, I can bash bush all night but this is hardly the place, so sorry to all the other people who gets this list,  and to you dude eat crap..........  Jim

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