I just can't wait until the election is over.
--- Brian Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Some people will believe anything just because it is
> written in a newspaper. 
> It's a shame so many Americans are unwilling  to
> think for themselves. We 
> will all be in a sorry state if Kerry is elected.
> Would you like for your 
> son to marry another man? He would not only be able
> to, but would also be 
> encouraged to by the laws the Dems will push for.
> Nuff said
> >Reply-To: The Chevelle Mailing List
> >Subject: Re: [Chevelle-list] Election determines
> fate of nation
> >Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 03:18:22 EDT
> >
> >hey john i wish would keep opinion to yourself and
> file this under bull 
> >shit,
> >because that's what it is bull,  bush is a drunk a
> war monger and a greedy
> >oil miser, this man should be tar and feathered
> right out of the white 
> >house,
> >Kerry fought for this nation when bush sat on his
> drunk ass and would not 
> >bother
> >to show up for the guards, his daddy  save his
> butt, then and now pull his
> >strings. bush has killed more innocent people then
> bin laden did, in the 
> >name of
> >what i don't know,  more then likely its the oil,
> he couldn't drill the in
> >Alaska so he went and made up all this bullshit,
> just so he could steal the
> >Iraq's people oil,  if you would read between the
> lines and see what is 
> >really
> >going on then you would not waste my time
> responding to this letter, if 
> >bush
> >steal this election like he did before this nation
> will be crushed by our 
> >enemies,
> >there only one reason why we haven't been attack,
> because they seen how the
> >country rally behind bush, after the last hit and
> they don't want bush in 
> >the
> >white anymore then i do,  bush let the entire bin
> laden family fly home 
> >after
> >the 911 hit, when there wasn't a plane in the sky
> that family had 
> >permission
> >from bush to leave without being question one bit
> that alone proves he is 
> >in bed
> >with the Saudi family, and by the way 19 of the
> hijackers where from Saudi
> >Arabia, IM tired of typing, I can bash bush all
> night but this is hardly 
> >the
> >place, so sorry to all the other people who gets
> this list,  and to you 
> >dude eat
> >crap..........  Jim
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