Bill Lessenberry wrote:
> At 08:01 AM 10/23/2004, you wrote:
> >This is a Chevelle list. This is the one place that I have not had politics
> >"in my face" over the last few months. Please post your opinions/comments
> >elsewhere.
> >Mike Holleman
> THANK YOU for saying exactly the way I feel.  Let's all BS about cars, not
> BS.  :-)))

I share your feelings about getting into impossible-to-resolve
political harangues, especially when people take the opportunity to
throw in their fears of same-sex marriage, etc.

However, some car issues are inevitably political. Eg, I've got to
get my car smogged this year and it's going to cost me about $80 for
starters, just to have it tested at a special "test-only" station.
Then, there's gas prices -- about $2.50 a gallon for regular in San
Francisco. Bush has been in power for four years now, and we're
supposed to be taking over Iraq, so why are gas prices climbing so fast?

Of course, it would be nice if any opinions on these car-related
facts of life could be presented objectively and dispassionately,
without getting into one's personal feelings about religion, sex,
machismo, etc.

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