Yes, rotating the distributor body clockwise retards the timing, but that means that rotating the shaft clockwise does the opposite. Itâs all relative.


John Nasta




-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2005 8:36 PM
Subject: Fwd: [Chevelle-list] vacuum advance hits manifold


Rotating the distributor clockwise retards the timing and rotating if counterclockwise gives you more initial advance. It may be that you need more octane. What compression are you running? Too much advance leads to detonation (pinging). I have also heard that running the wrong heat range of plugs will cause detonation.



In a message dated 5/1/2005 8:11:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thanks Pat. Maybe I have this backwards. Does pinging mean that the timing is too far retarded or too far advanced? I just talked to a friend on the phone and he said that hesitation means it's too far retarded and pinging means too far advanced. This is actually the guy who helped me build the engine. He said I probably should be running premium instead of regular. He may be right, but I want to try one thing at a time to eliminate the variables. In any case it does seem to be running better with the timing more advanced. I'll leave it like this for the week and if it still pings on regular I'll get premium next. If that doesnât stop the pinging I'll pull the distributor and move it a tooth (clockwise for more advance, right?).



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