Just like on our evening news last night. They said that running to the
pumps will drive up the prices, Yet they were telling everyone to fill up
before tomorrow. going against what they had just said
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chuck Speake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'The Chevelle Mailing List'" <Chevelle-list@chevelles.net>
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 1:11 AM
Subject: RE: [Chevelle-list] Re: Gas Prices

> Don I agree with you exactly.  I was watching the news about the hurricane
> and I don't know if someone overstepped their bounds or perhaps made a
> mistake at the station, but the reporter said that Opec had stated
> our gas price increase that they could not understand why.  The reporter
> went on to say that Opec said there was no shortage of petroleum being
> pumped, or shipped, and that there was an abundance of petroleum.  I only
> heard it on that station and not again since.  The only thing I have heard
> since is how the price of gas is going to skyrocket.  They then went on to
> say that the major oil companies were making billions upon billions of
> dollars (record profits), but the refineries were the ones causing the
> dramatic increases at the gas pumps.
> Even at $75.00 per barrel the gas at the pumps could be way, way lower
> it is if the refineries were not raping the consumers because they know
> can get away with it.
> Sorry for venting, but I am just getting soooooooooooooo tired of being
> taken advantage of by large corporations who don't have a single thought
> the lower and middle class in our country just wring out as much money as
> they can from them so the CEO's can make their $5,000,000 or more a year.
> guess always has been the case and will never change, and we can't do much
> about it but keep paying and paying and paying.
> End of soap box
> Chuck Speake
> 70 Chevelle Malibu
> Glen Ellyn, IL
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Don [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 8:45 PM
> To: Chevelle-list@chevelles.net
> Subject: [Chevelle-list] Re: Gas Prices
> There's the same amount of gas whether the companies charge $2 a gallon or
> $4 a gallon. The only thing that really changes is the profit margin. The
> oil companies, oil producing countries & the politicians all talk a lot
> about supply & demand & crude oil productivity & refinery productivity all
> causing the prices to go up & down. But that's not necessarily true.  If
> oil producing countries cut down on their crude production or the
> cut down on their production, there would be less product to sell but that
> doesn't mean it cost them any more or less to make each gallon of gas or
> oil. The big companies & oil producing countries are all making record
> profits. They charge more money because they can, not because they have
> The American consumer is being raped by the oil & gas companies. It is
> simple greed. If everyone in the oil food chain cut their profits by say
> 1/3, everyone would still be making a good profit but the price of gas
> go down considerably. They won't do this of course because they don't have
> too. I'm all for people & businesses making money, it's what we work for &
> what keeps the economy going. But when is it enough? Especially when
> talking about a necessary commodity such as gas, oil & natural gas. In our
> society it is a necessity. Why can't they be happy with making millions
> instead of billions? or at least a few billion instead of many billion?
> Don't you realize that even if we all gave up our performance cars &
> everyone in the country drove cars that got 50mpg, the oil companies would
> then charge $6 a gallon so they could keep their profits up. It's not the
> oil, it's the greed that's the problem. I remember back many years ago
> they use to tell us to keep your car running when stopped for a train or a
> red light because it used more gas to start it than to keep it running.
> many years later they admitted that wasn't really true. They just wanted
> sell more gas. Remember the gas shortages of 1973? Long lines at the
> etc? But once the price jumped up from 40 cents a gallon to over a dollar,
> all of a sudden there was no more shortage. There hasn't been a shortage
> the last 30 years. Oil isn't the problem friends, greed is the problem.
> Unfortunately it isn't going to change. Of course this is a very
> opinion of these problems. This could be discussed for
> hours/days/weeks/years on end but I really just wanted to vent some. Sorry
> for the long winded tirade.
> Don
>  -----------------------------------------
>  I agree, our nation has not been conservative when it comes to our
> petroleum resources, perhaps even flaunted or wasted them in the past and
> present.  On the other hand there have been a lot of innovations over the
> years that would have provided much better gas mileage, or even taken the
> place of some of the gas usage only to have the companies bought out by
> large petroleum companies and put out of business.  I have experienced
> with what used to be two different customers I had prior to their being
> bought out and closed down.  I remember because I had to take back a lot
> product back from them and had to pay back the commissions.
>  The petroleum companies are going to do everything they can to slow the
> introduction of anything that will reduce the gas usage in this country
> their profits.  Big money wants even more money and we can do very little
> about it by ourselves.
>  Chuck Speake
>  70 Chevelle Malibu
> Glen Ellyn, IL

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