Turn everything off in your car. Disconnect the ground wire from your battery. Touch the cable lightly to the battery post and look for any sparking. (Sometimes a radio can draw a very slight amount of current for its memory if you changed to a newer style radio and a very small spark will be seen) If you see sparks you have a current draw somewhere. At that point disconnect the wire from the alternator and check the battery connection for sparking again. If there are no sparks your problem is in the alternator. Otherwise check things like your glove box light or trunk light.

I also seem to remember reading something about having to use a diode to make the gen light work correctly with a single wire system.

Bill Vander Werf

----- Original Message -----
Date: Sunday, May 21, 2006 9:25 pm
Subject: [Chevelle-list] 68 SS ELECTRICAL PROBLEM.

A  couple of days ago I installed a single wire alternator. My old
one was
a stock 3 wire.Now when I go out to start my car the battery is
totallydead. When I charge it up and drive it, the gen light is
on. It's very
diem and hard to see. I bought the painless wire kit which was
just one
wire from the alternator to the positive side of the battery. My auto
gauge volt gauge is reading just a little under 14 volts when I'm
drivingthe car.So I'm thinking the battery should be getting a
charge. Anybody
have any Ideas? Thanks ahead of time for any help.....Dennis

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