That's pretty funny, Ryan. lol

--- langus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well...once again you guys where right.  I was at
> O'Reilly's and between you and me the store in my
> town only hires "the very best"  The very best at
> what I havent figured out yet.  Obviously not cars. 
> Both O'Reillys and Auto Zone here in town are a
> joke.  Last night I went to Auto Zone to get some
> more bearings and I had to show the guy behind the
> count how to run the computer.  I was looking for
> bearings for the rear axle for my 68 chevelle.  He
> went to the shelf and pulled the part out of the box
> and said "there you go!"  I just so happend to have
> the old ones in my pocket (I have learned to take
> the old stuff I know is right with me) and compared
> the two.  Not even close.  I looked back at the
> computer screen and he had selected a 1986 Ford
> F150.  Call me crazy but I think a blind, one legged
> horse could have done a better job of typing in what
> I wanted.  So...I went to my buddy in Iowa City that
> is the manager of O'Reillys there.  He knows what he
> is talking about and we had it figured out in no
> time.  I came home put everything together and it
> looks so sweet.
> I know some (ok...all)  of my questions seem dumb
> but it just seems like everything I try to do on the
> car fights me all the way.  When I exhaust all of my
> own ideas I know that the knowledge on the list can
> set me straight.  Thanks for all the help and for
> making me feel totally stupid!!
> Ryan
> I have the front end on tires for the first time

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