You know Donnie, that sounds like you got a good deal.
I justdon't want to pay $10,000 to put on quarter
panels. I'd GLADLY pay what it has cost you.

Thanks.There's hope out there yet. 

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Amen Mike.  
> Just cause you can get it done cheaper.... doesn't
> mean better.  
> For the '69 SS I am currently doing a frame off
> restoration on ...  I had 
> both quarters replaced (FULL), full floor pan, trunk
> pan, both front  fenders 
> (NOS), trunk lid, front valance panel, outer fender
> wells, trunk drop  offs, and 
> all of the other rust spots cut out, new metal 
> welded in, Hood fixed and the 
> rest of the body smoothed.   The car is now 100%
> rust free.  Cost including 
> parts was about $6500.   This was with me and my
> friend Tom taking the car 
> apart, sanding down the  areas that were not going
> to be replaced down to metal and 
> completely  stripping/gutting the insides of the
> car, helping out with the 
> body work  (grinding, sanding, cutting, etc...)
> every weekend for 6 weeks.  
> I had figured about $4500 going into it...Once we
> started removing sheet  
> metal, we found other areas that needed fixing...
> that were NOT visible from the  
> start.  Luckily my body man is one of the best in
> the business and he was  
> able to make most of what we needed on the spot. 
> While the quarters were  off, 
> we POR-15'd all exposed metal.  Needed.. maybe
> not... but good  insurance!!  
> He also "suggested" we fix other things while we
> were doing  it... kind of pay 
> me now ... or hate yourself later for not doing it. 
> He  is a good friend, so 
> ripping me off was not even in the equation.  So
> after  $2000 more than I had 
> budgeted (and another 2 weeks of labor), it was
> ready to  take home.
> The car still needs to be final block sanded a few
> times to get it 100%  
> ready for paint... which will probably cost about
> another $1000 or so.   Then add 
> about another $3500 for paint.  
> Cheap NO.... but this is what it takes and costs to
> do it right.
> Good Luck!!
> Donnie

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