Just joined CAGW. Great suggestion Jim.
I am just so tired of them spending my hard earned money. Money that I could be 
spending on my Chevelle.Godspeed, Dan Solomon"It is a mistake to allow any 
mechanical object to realize you are in a 

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: chevelle-list@chevelles.net> Date: Tue, 8 Apr 
> 2008 17:36:55 -0400> Subject: Re: [Chevelle-list] [Fwd: Oil reserves in US]> 
> > Chuck, I'm with you. I too watched the video. Not sure I agree with all, > 
> but....> (1.) I want to do something about the graft and corruption so 
> blatantly > displayed by our politicians. I joined a group called Citizens 
> Against > Government Waste (CAGW). For me, it's a start. We need to take our 
> country > back.> I am tired of hearing "vote them out next election". Why 
> wait? I would > like to see our citizenry use tools such as Referendum and 
> Recall. When > these politicians spend our money to suit their own devices, 
> not in our best > interest, or break campaign promises, let's get rid of them 
> immediately. If > you misrepresent yourself or screw up on a new job, do you 
> think your new > employer will hold onto you for another 2,3,4 years?? Plus 
> give you > retirement benefits....> > I'm sure there are many ways this won't 
> work but I'm hoping some of the > smarter guys on this list will suggest 
> something we can do.> Team Chevelle membership is around 40K, (+ or -). I 
> think we as a group > could get something started.> > CAGW lists politicians 
> who spend money (Pork) on their own pet projects, > without having been voted 
> on by Congress. They squeeze them into defense > bills and other approved 
> projects. Check out the site. It's very > enlightening. Let's get rid of Pork 
> spending and/or give the President line > item veto. We need the BILLIONS of 
> our tax dollars they are pi$$ing away.> > (2.) North Slope. If there's oil 
> there and we don't drill it, the new > horizontal drilling, and super deep 
> processes that Russia is implementing > could drain that pool from their end. 
> China is approved to utilize this > process off the coast of Cuba toward the 
> Florida coast. Who's to say one > well doesn't drain or connect to another??> 
> > Sorry for the long post guys.> Let's get something started.....> > Jim S.> 
> > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Chuck Speake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> 
> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'The Chevelle Mailing List'" > 
> <chevelle-list@chevelles.net>> Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2008 3:18 PM> 
> Subject: Re: [Chevelle-list] [Fwd: Oil reserves in US]> > > > That will never 
> happen as our politicians only want to give all of our> > resources, jobs, 
> technology, etc. away to other countries, and want to be> > the police force 
> of the world. They need to start thinking about their > > own> > people for a 
> change and not helping the entire rest of the world. Last I> > heard I think 
> was that we had U.S. troops in a little over 20 different> > countries. How 
> many countries rushed to give us aid for 911, our> > hurricanes, and other 
> natural disasters? Enough sounding off, I am just a> > middle class guy who 
> is sick and tired of being screwed by the politicians> > that run this 
> country and that if they wanted to could be helping all of > > the> > people 
> in this country that needs it and doesn't get it!> >> > My two cents.> >> > 
> Chuck Speake> > 1970 Chevelle Malibu> > Glen Ellyn, Illinois> > [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> >> >> >> > -----Original Message-----> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Sent: 
> Saturday, April 05, 2008 12:38 PM> > To: Chevelle List> > Subject: Re: 
> [Chevelle-list] [Fwd: Oil reserves in US]> >> > Once we have a source in the 
> US that can provide the same volume we can > > name> > our price.> >> > 
> Godspeed,> > Dan Solomon> > It is a mistake to allow any mechanical object to 
> realize you are in a> > hurry.> > http://www.freewebs.com/chevelles1970/> >> 
> > -----Original Message-----> > From: "Herb Lumpp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> >> > 
> Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 12:24:53> > To:"'The Chevelle Mailing List'" 
> <chevelle-list@chevelles.net>> > Subject: Re: [Chevelle-list] [Fwd: Oil 
> reserves in US]> >> >> > I don't know a lot about the dealings between our 
> country and others, but> > what I don't understand is if the US is the number 
> one consumer/customer > > of> > oil then why can't we tell oil producing 
> nations that we will only pay $50 > > a> > barrel (for example) take it or 
> leave it. If they don't take the price we> > offer, then we don't buy it and 
> they're sitting on useless oil, pretty> > simple. It works for Wal-Mart.> >> 
> >> > -----Original Message-----> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > [mailto:[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Corgill> > Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2008 11:51 
> AM> > To: The Chevelle Mailing List> > Subject: Re: [Chevelle-list] [Fwd: Oil 
> reserves in US]> >> > At 10:28 AM 4/5/2008, you wrote:> > >The oil companies 
> have no interest in reducing their profits. Lindsey> >>Williams $1.50 per 
> gallon gas will never be seen. They will continue to> >>extort as much as 
> they can from us. We're screwed!> > >> > >Larry> >> > >> We have more oil on 
> the north slope found in Alaska than the middle> > east.> > >> I know people 
> that worked there, it's all a game. check this out .> > >>> > >>> > >> 
> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3340274697167011147> >> > If you 
> watch the whole movie you will understand it's not the oil > > companies> > 
> that are doing all of this (it's 1 hour & 45 mins).> >> > Hear how only two 
> countries would not sign to price their oil in dollars> > only in the 1960's. 
> Guess who, Iraq & Iran .> >> >> >> > > > 

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