Title: chhattisgarh-net

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Re: The sinking ship

Posted by: "rahul" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   aarohini

Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:16 am (PST)

The ship continues to sink as another american icon the citibank is about to go under

Rahul Banerjee

74,Krishnodayanagar,Khandwa naka,Indore,Madhya Pradesh, India-452001

Cell no: +919926791773

webpage: http://rahulbanerjee.notlong.com

blog: http://anar-kali.blogspot.com

--- On Thu, 20/11/08, Nutan Thakur <drnutanthakur@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Nutan Thakur <drnutanthakur@yahoo.com>
Subject: [chhattisgarh-net] The sinking ship

It is a really pitiable state of affairs as far the so-called

booming and shining New Indian economy is concerned. While only a

few months ago, it was a case of mutual pat on the back by all the

concerned parties, be it the Government or the RBI and the other

Banks or the major industrial and business players, each one lauding

the efforts made by others in helping reach the situation where

everything was so chirpy and illuminating with the Indian economy.


Baiga Tribes! Stateless Society……  Dr. P. D. Khaira.

Posted by: "Kamal Dubey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   kdbaba

Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:16 am (PST)

लाहौर में स्कूली पढ़ाई के बाद इंडिया की पंजाब यूनिवर्सिटी से समाज शास्त्र में पोस्ट ग्रेजूएट व पी एच
डी के बाद दिल्ली के हिन्दू राव कालेज में प्रोफ़ेसर रहे डाक्टर प्रभुदत्त खैरा रिटायरमेंट के बाद विगत 15
बरसों से छतीसगढ़ के बिलासपुर ज़िले के अचानकमार अभ्यारण्य के वनग्राम लमनी में बैगा
आदिवासियों के बीच रह कर अपना वानप्रस्थ व्यतीत कर रहें हैं। इस क्षेत्र का बच्चा - बच्चा उन्हे
दिल्लिवाले साब के नाम से जानता है।
मतदान के दिन उस क्षेत्र गुजरा तो देखा कि टूको व टेूकटरो में वोटरों कि ढुलाई चल रही है। लमनी में
डाक्टर खैरा दिख गये, उनसे पूछा कि इन आदिवासियों के लिये चुनाव क्या मायने रखता है?
उनके जवाब का संक्षेप- बैगा आदिवासी का राजनीति से कोई लेना-देना नही है, अगर इनको ढॉ कर
ना लाया जाए तो ये वोट डालने कभी न आयें। जिन गावों में ये बहुसंख्य हैं वहाँ भी सरपंच किसी
अन्य जाति का है!
इनको तो बस जंगल में रहने कि आज़ादी चाहिये, ये तो खेती भी नही करना चाहते, राज्य तो इनके
रहन सहन में बाधा डालता है, इनकी सन्सक्रिति को सहेजने के बजाय बदलने में लगा है। आफ़्रिका
कि तर्ज़ पर कहा जा सकता है कि ये stateless सोसायटी है। कठिन से कठिन स्थिति में भी ये
किसी से कुछ माँगे बिना अपना गुजारा कर लेते हैं।
शराब इनके लिये पवित्र पानी है, हाँ कुछ लोग कभी कभी ज्यादा पी लेते हैं लेकिन पीने के बाद भी
मेहनत में कमी नही करते ।
हमें इनसे बहुत कुछ सीखना है, इनका जंगल का ज्ञान गजब का है, इनके घर आपस में कभी जुड़े
नही रहते, समाज में रहते हुए भी अलग रहना व अलग रहते हुए भी समूह में रहना, क्या जीवन
शैली है?
Vedio Clips on youtube. Search kdbaba.
Kamal Dubey

Re: Hindutva Terrorists in Chhattisgarh

Posted by: "sebastian devasia" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   dearsaby

Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:28 am (PST)

Dear friends,
The other day I heard someone talking  in Raipur-are we moving towards a civil war? I don"t now what made the people to say that, May be the way things are happening in the country in different states and the political leadership interested only in vote banks.


Re: Hindutva Terrorists in Chhattisgarh

Posted by: "Samuel Lakra" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   samuellakra

Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:53 pm (PST)

Dear Sebastian

The talks about moving towards Civil War or a situation like that of a Civil War can not be ruled out, as the gap between haves and have nots is increasing. When 80% of the population work to feel the coffers of 20% people, when seeking employment is a burning question, when the number of below poverty line is increasing every day, when the level of the quality leadership in political field is going down below the bottom, corrupt faces seen all around, distribution of pigs, goats, liquor, blankets, cycles and cash now notes of Rs. 500/- and 1000/- are offered to buy votes, people understands every thing from where those money comes from.

I will not be surprised, if there is civil war or like that in future, since the situation deteriorates day after day.

Samuel Lakra

--- On Sat, 11/22/08, sebastian devasia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com> wrote:

From: sebastian devasia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>
Subject: [chhattisgarh-net] Re: Hindutva Terrorists in Chhattisgarh

Dear friends,
The other day I heard someone talking� in Raipur-are we moving towards a civil war? I don"t now what made the people to say that, May be the way things are happening in the country in different states and the political leadership interested only in vote banks.


Re: CG Assembly Election - 2008

Posted by: "sebastian devasia" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   dearsaby

Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:31 am (PST)

Sometimes I feel  like asking do we really have democracy in our Country?
The elections took place in Chhattisgarh and it will be takingplace in other states soon.
The  peope voted according to their conscience or moved by  what was distributed amng them by various parties. Ordinary people don"t seem to be moved by who stands for election.Their views,character or background  etc don't matter.Some  party people always vote for the party no matter who is the candidate,whether  he is local or from the heavens.A good number of people are deciding their votes  after thecanvasing is over  and the last two days when the party workers  and the candidate approach  them personally with gifts,money ,liquor and eatables  like chicken or goat etc.This year it was also  seen that  saris,banians, blankets etc were distributed in a large scale.Interestingly it is also to be noted hat  women were given PAYAL,BINDI,KANGAN  And so on.Parties were vying each other  in the matter of disbursing money while the accounts submitted to the election commission  shows much less than the amount allowed to be used..This is true at least in case of Chandrapur constitutency. I am told that the ruling party was leading in this process.
Where is the true and genuine  election and  voting on the basis of  people"s decision making .Liquor was  flowing like water it seems. Is that the deciding factor ultimately.
Why does this happen? Is it that people are poor and hungry to get something to eat and drink,if so where the development claimed by the ruling  elites?Is it because  no other time the people can get something from their elected representatives as they may be pocketing the money and the development gets stopped some where in the middle and does not reach down?Is it because the elected representative  is not available for the people to get their works and projects executed.
I think a serious reflection is needed.

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