Title: chhattisgarh-net

Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)



Re: Information on Gajanan Madhav Muktibodh Natya Samaroh by IPTA Ra

Posted by: "Gishu" mgiris...@yahoo.co.in   mgirishin

Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:35 pm (PST)


How and why is debatable, people who must have called Vishwaranjan
might be having some view point, IPTA is known for creativity and
ground for advancment in social life.

Killing in any form is not right for any human be it police or any

Our chattisgarh was peaceful, art & culture of Bastar was famous,
Tijan Bai and Panthi dance use to be symbol of our culture. Now I
read in news paper "a person killed his mother for Rs15" in village
of CG. If anything is unfortunate then the same is" redefining
values" of CG, if It is associated with killing of people by any
We must appreciate people who are trying to communicate something by
organizing any cultural event, as this is the only medium of
communicating via heart and soul.


--- In chhattisgarh-n...@yahoogroups.com, "Sanjeev Mahajan"
<veejnasnajaham@...> wrote:
> Girish,
> Vishwaranjan heads what is known to be one of the most
> repressive police forces in India. He has been a consistent
apologist for
> Salwa Judum, a state sponsored vigilante army responsible for
> terror in Chhattisgarh. His writing (whatever little I have seen
of it)
> cannot
> be disociated from his politics. It is, after all, not about
> topics such as the best way to milk a cow, or about the happy-go-
> nature
> of the Chhattisgarhi tribals. His elaborate defense of Salwa Judum
> with his 'profound' political insights such as anyone who opposes
> Judum must
> be an apologist for the Maoists, has been well-represented in the
pages of
> the "Dainik Chhattisgarh". His 'deep' insights into propositional
logic are
> also quite breathtaking when he infers that Sandeep Pandey must be
a Maoist,
> from Pandey's rhetorical statement, "If telling the truth makes
one a
> Maoist,
> then I am a Maoist." So for IPTA to invite Vishwaranjan to
inaugurate one
> of its events is indeed quite unfortunate.
> Sanjeev


CG govt admission of guilt and agreement to compensate

Posted by: "Nandini Sundar" nandinisun...@yahoo.com   nandinisundar

Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:35 pm (PST)

Dear Friends

I am attaching the relevant annexures in Hindi (see esp. R 5) which the CG Government has submitted in court, where it says that they will compensate all those whose properties have been damaged by salwa judum and security forces; and also that security forces should move out of schools and ashrams.

When the government has admitted illegalities by the Salwa Judum, how can the Chief Minister continue to justify an illegal movement?

The non-seriousness with which the CG government is treating its own promises is evident from the fact that when we met the Collector of Dantewada on 24 December, he had not even seen these letters dated 17 October. We had to give him a copy. he promised to call an all-party meeting in Sukma to discuss how best to compensate/rehabilitate, but went back on his promise, and last heard was planning to call a meeting in dornapal camp!
The situation in Bijapur is likely to be even more abysmal. The Government has to submit an ATR on this and other issues by the end of January - God knows what kind of ATR they will submit!

Please note that the compensation is a matter of right since it is ordered by the Court; that it is not restricted to those in camp, but includes everyone in villages as well as refugees in AP or elsewhere; and that villagers do not have to prove who burnt or looted their property.

According to one estimate, in some of the refugee settlements in AP, 50% of the children are suffering from 3rd grade malnutrition.



Gollapalli killings and statement of Hon'ble CM on the floor of the

Posted by: "Pravin Patel" reachppa...@yahoo.com   reachppatel

Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:36 pm (PST)

Dear all

I would like to pick up the relevant portion from the address of the Hon'ble Chief Minister, made on the floor of the house, I quote :

"Salwa Judum is the answer to get rid of the naxal menace in the state and made it clear that it would end only after the end of naxalism in the state".

The statement is made at that point of time, when innocent tribals were being killed and their property was looted by the Salwa Judum actors for the only fault of that those tribals refused to be part of the Salwa Judum militia.

I raise the following to discuss the issue:

Ø There is no doubt that Naxals are having their strong presence in the state of Chhattisgarh. 14 out of 18 districts of Chhattisgarh are in the grip of naxal related problems.

Ø When the Chief Minister says on the floor of the house that “Salwa Judum is the answer to get rid of the naxal menace in the state” and made it clear that “it would end only after the end of naxalism in the state”

I would like to ask few simple questions to the Hon’ble Chief Minister.

1. Right to life and Right to own property is the constitutional rights of the citizens of India. No body is empowered to deny those rights nor can play mischief with it.

2. It is the duty of the state to protect the lives and p
properties of the citizens irrespective of caste, creed or
religion, poor or rich.

3. Now, when the Chief Minister says that Salwa Judum is
the answer to get rid of Naxal menace, he directly
agrees that his police force has proved to be the failure
to tackle naxal menace and now depend on the Salwa
Judum which has proved that it is nothing less than a
milit ia organization.

4. Chief Minister has confirmed on the floor of the house that Salwa Judum is the answer to the Naxal menace, and then the question arises,

Ø What is so special at Datewada that the state is behind the tribals to force them to fight with Naxals in the name of Salwa Judum?

Ø Why at Dantewada area only and not any where else in the state?

Ø Is it because the largest investor of the country i.e. House of Tatas have interest in those areas for mining of iron ores?

Ø Is it a mere coincidence that immediately within less than 24 hours of inking the MoU with the Tata Iron and Steel Company on 4th of June, 2005, Salwa Judum began at Kutru Police Station area on 5th of June, 2005?????

The recent killings of tribals at Singavaram under the Golapalli Police Station area in the district of Dantewada have pulled off the veil from the face of the administration about the truth of Salwa Judum. Those tribals were forced to desert their villages and join the Salwa Judum forces, ended with the looting of their property and killing 17 of them when they denied to do so.

Height of the tragedy is that while the Salwa Judum is on looting and killing spree, Hon’ble Chief Minister glorifies them on the floor of the house.

What is now needed to take strong and drastic action against the injustices done to the tribals of Bastar in the name of cleansing naxalites. To cleanse naxalites from the soil of the state is the job of the state and not the innocent tribals. Why they should be forced to do so and why they are forced to pay heavy price for their refusal to join the state sponsored Salwa Judum militia needs answer.

It is pity to see that congress party even as an opposition party has failed to perform their role. Though they have 38 MLAs against 50 of the BJP party, they are proving to be inefficient lot more particularly in the matter of raising and and supportingg the people when they need them the most. They need to learn lessons from Ms. Mamta Banerjee whose Trinamul Congress has only 30 MLAs in the house against the mammoth 235 MLAs from the left but Mamata is making them on the run even in a small issue that pertains to the injutices caused to the people. Singur and Nandigram has resulted in throwing out CPM party out from almost all the Panchayats and now have MLAs also in both the areas. The recent by election has been won by her party with a margin of 40,000 votes on a seat that fell vacant by the death of the CPM MLA. People have supported her because she supported them in the hour of their need and pushed out the left parties from even
their strong holds.

Pravin Patel


36garh Diary 16 | Jan | 2009

Posted by: "Praveen" pmanikp...@gmail.com   praveen_irm

Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:55 pm (PST)

Dear Friends,

Here is the News about Chhattisgarh in the media today…

Election Commission asks Chhattisgarh Guv to act against Police Chief
Newspost Online - Baroda,India
Raipur, Jan.15 (ANI): Taking a serious note of the Chhattisgarh State
Police Chief's objectionable comments against the Election Commission
officials, ...

Left focus on third alternative
Central Chronicle - Bhopal,India
The then MP Mahindra Karma of CPI, who later switched over to Congress
is the father of Salwa Judum, an anti-Maoist campaign led by local
tribal people. ...

Coal mine for Goa in Chhattisgarh
Times of India – India
The central government has allotted to Goa a coal mine at Chhattisgarh
which will generate 240 MW of assured supply for Goa within the next
two years. ...

More news can be found with full coverage at...

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If you see/know/experience something which you think should be shared
with people pls write to us at cgnet...@gmail.com . If you want we can
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Praveen Manikpuri
for CGnet moderators team

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