Title: chhattisgarh-net

Messages In This Digest (3 Messages)



AUDIO: Teach for India... and more useful links (Infochangeindia.org

Posted by: "Frederick Noronha [फ़रेदरà¤" f...@bytesforall.org   fredericknoronha

Wed Apr 1, 2009 4:22 am (PDT)

_/ _/
_/ alt.news.india _/
_/ Features and news from Infochangeindia.org _/
_/ _/

Financial crisis could affect international aid and MDGs:
UNCTAD http://tinyurl.com/dcuxat

CCDS presents 'Sangha Majhya Bapala, a new film on a child
rights movement in Latur. http://tinyurl.com/ddb4nu

Smitu Kothari: India loses a leading activist and ecologist

'Made in USA' crisis now affecting developing countries:
Stiglitz http://tinyurl.com/dcfsus

Global war on drugs puts lives at risk, in India

Activists file petition against suspension of vaccine
production http://tinyurl.com/cemf9a

Psychiatrists call for decriminalisation of homosexuality

Bangaloreans' night out for safety of women

Bangaloreans' night out for safety of women

Security in a world of people on the move

New on HIV/AIDS: The hidden costs of treatment

Education: Ragging as human rights abuses?

Children: passing on the burden

AUDIO: Giant steps for Muslim women

AUDIO: Evangelist for open-source composting

AUDIO: Social responsibility in a corporate world

AUDIO: Teach for India: gets India's brightest to dedicate 2
years teaching children in schools

Court judgements: medical expenses and maintenance in India

Lives sacrificed: women and health in South Asia

Curefew and the women of Ima Keithel

Human rights: 'it's impretaive that we come face-to-face
with the demon within us' http://tinyurl.com/c2pneq

Power issues: Bharat's high-tension yojana (Rahul Goswami)

Bleak future for traditional salt

Kerala spearheads community-care health revolution

Satyam and the truth about CSR

Floods and earthquakes... environmentalists discuss Mumbai
and Pakistan http://tinyurl.com/chy6t5

Village girls in Rajasthan get a leg-up

Employment for the disabled: A slow change begins

An audio interview with Valerie Mason-John, author of a new
book on dalit women in Maharashtra.

History of communication/media courses

USEFUL LINKS: CEE Bankwatch Network

USEFUL LINKS: The Bank Information Centre(BIC)

USEFUL LINKS: Alternative Information and Development
Centre(AIDC) http://www.aidc.org.za

USEFUL LINKS: Asia-Europe Dialogue on Alternative Political
Strategies http://www.ased.org

USEFUL LINKS: 50 Years Is Enough: U.S. Network for Global
Economic Justice http://www.50years.org

USEFUL LINKS: Export Credit Agencies (ECA) Watch

UEFUL LINKS: South Asia trade and development issues

USEFUL LINKS: United Nations Development Programme

USEFUL LINKS: The International Labour Organisation

USEFUL LINKS: The Communication Initiative

USEFUL LINKS: Indev- India development information network


USEFUL LINKS: id21 http://www.id21.org

USEFUL LINKS: Indian government's online directory

UEFUL LINKS: DevNetJobsIndia.org

USEFUL LINKS: Poorest Areas Civil Society Programme

USEFUL LINKS: Pambazuka News

FN * http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490 http://twitter.com/fn
On Facebook: http://www.new.facebook.com/people/Frederick-Noronha/502514643

"If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it." -
Albert Einstein


PLS FWD: Send a free fax in support of the Raipur Satyagraha for rel

Posted by: "Release Binayak" releasebina...@gmail.com

Wed Apr 1, 2009 8:36 pm (PDT)

Spread link . Posted at

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 10:40 PM, Shalini Gera <shalinigera@yahoo.com>wrote:

> *Send a FREE FAX <http://petitions.aidindia.org/binayaksen09/> to the
> Chhattisgarh government to demand:*
> *1. Immediate release of the doctor to the workers DR. BINAYAK SEN*
> *2. End to the state repression of democratic dissent, revocation of the
> *3. Disbanding of SALWA JUDUM, full compensation to all victims*
> *VISIT **http://petitions.aidindia.org/binayaksen09/*<http://petitions.aidindia.org/binayaksen09/>
> * *
> The *Raipur Satyagraha* <http://raipursatyagraha.wordpress.com/>, a mass
> civil disobedience movement, was successfully launched on Monday, March 16
> th, to urge for the immediate release of Dr. Binayak Sen. Every Monday,
> batches of 50-100 people will court arrest in front of the Raipur Jail where
> Dr. Sen in incarcerated, to prevail upon the government to reverse its
> illegitimate action.
> <http://docs.google.com/File?id=ddp3w2ff_35d2966nd4_b> It is now 22
> months since *Dr Binayak Sen*<http://binayaksen.net/wp-content/uploads/MSF-Binayak-Booklet.pdf>,
> the well-known public health and human rights activist was imprisoned by the
> Chhattisgarh government on false charges of abetting activities of an
> outlawed organization. In the days and months following his incarceration,
> Dr. Binayak Sen has received tremendous support from within India and
> outside. Twenty two Nobel Laureates have signed a letter in support of Dr
> Binayak Sen. International and national media, through news stories and
> editorials, have consistently pointed to the unjustified nature of Dr.
> Binayak Sen's imprisonment.
> Even though the state has been unable to produce any evidence against him,
> Dr. Binayak Sen’s pleas for bail have been repeatedly refused by judicial
> institutions at all levels in the country. *We oppose the use of bail as
> punitive measure to intimidate human rights defenders and demand and demand
> the immediate release of Dr. Binayak Sen.*
> The *Chhattisgarh Special Public Security Act, 2005 (CSPSA)<http://cpjc.wordpress.com/chhattisgarh-special-public-security-act/>
> *, under which Dr.Binayak Sen has been arrested, allows the state to
> bypass many routine forms of due process through the law's unreasonably
> broad definition of unlawful activity, and acceptance of vague and
> unreliable evidence, all in the name of national security. The unclear
> provisions of this law have been used unfairly by the State to silence
> government critics such as Dr. Binayak Sen, Ajay TG , a film maker and PUCL
> activist, and Journalist Sai Reddy (and many others). *We demand that
> draconian laws which have been used unfairly to harass human rights
> activists be immediately repealed.*
> *Salwa Judum<http://cpjc.wordpress.com/reports-by-fact-finding-teams-on-salwa-judum/>
> *, the State-sponsored militia set up in 2005, has been responsible for
> killing, looting, rapes and forced eviction from their homes of more than
> 100,000 indigenous people to camps with inhuman conditions. Common concern
> for many is that the arrest and detention of Dr. Sen was directly related to
> his activities in defending the rights of the indigenous communities in
> Chhattisgarh state, and to his open criticism of the Salwa Judum. *We
> condemn the state government for arming Salwa Judum and abetting terror
> against innocent civilians and tribals, and demand that it be immediately
> disbanded.*
> A letter endorsed by over 50 international peace and justice groups<http://docs.aidindia.org/Documents/AID-Chapters/Maryland/campaign/Binayak_Sen_Org_Endorsement.pdf>has already been sent to the Chhattisgarh government.
> *Add your support to these demands by sending a free fax NOW! **VISIT **
> http://petitions.aidindia.org/binayaksen09/*<http://petitions.aidindia.org/binayaksen09/>
> ------------------------------
> *For more information, see the following*:
> · Information on the Raipur Satyagraha for the Release of Dr. Binayak Sen
> is available here: http://raipursatyagraha.wordpress.com
> · More information on Dr. Binayak Sen and his case:
> o For a detailed analysis of the state’s case against Dr. Sen, read the
> 3-part series in Indian Express by Vinay Sitapati:
> http://www.binayaksen.net/2009/01/indian-express-series-on-binayak-sen/
> o A timeline of Binayak Sen’s case is available here:
> http://www.binayaksen.net/2009/01/timeline-of-events-in-the-strange-case-of-dr-binayak-sen/
> o A compilation of news articles on Dr. Sen can be found at
> www.binayaksen.net , www.freebinayaksen.org and
> http://www.aidboston.org/FreeBinayakSen/media.htm
> · On Chhattisgarh Special Public Security Act, 2005:
> o The text of the law and its analysis by People’s Union for Democratic
> Rights can be found here:
> http://cpjc.wordpress.com/chhattisgarh-special-public-security-act/
> o A law and its victim, Ajoy Ashirwad Mahaprashasta, Frontline, Oct-Nov
> 2008 http://www.hinduonnet.com/fline/fl2522/stories/20081107252212400.htm
> o Caught between Naxals and police, Indian Express, June 11, 2008
> http://in.news.yahoo.com/indianexpress/20080611/r_t_ie_nl_general/tnl-caught-between-naxals-and-police-aaaedd4_1.html
> · Fact-finding reports on Salwa Judum can be obtained from the website
> for the Campaign for Peace and Justice in Chhattisgarh,
> http://cpjc.wordpress.com/reports-by-fact-finding-teams-on-salwa-judum/
> · Letter to the Chhattisgarh government by over 50 international peace
> and justice groups can be found here:
> http://docs.aidindia.org/Documents/AID-Chapters/Maryland/campaign/Binayak_Sen_Org_Endorsement.pdf

Any responsible politician should be encouraging a home grown Free Software
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36garh Diary | 02| April | 2009

Posted by: "Yuvraj Gajpal" gajp...@gmail.com   yuvrajgajpal

Wed Apr 1, 2009 8:37 pm (PDT)

Dear Friends,

Here is the News about Chhattisgarh in the media today...

No clear and present danger for BJP
Times of India - India
In the years since its formation in 2000, Chhattisgarh, which was once an
impenetrable Congress fortress — brothers Shukla, Shyama Charan and Vidya
Charan, ...

Four street dogs have a poll job on hand
Economic Times - Gurgaon,Haryana,India
... Teja used to roam the streets, but they will soon be reporting for
election duty in the restive, forested terrain of the Bastar region in
Chhattisgarh. ...

UPA was committed to poor people: Rahul Gandhi
SINDH TODAY - Sindh,Pakistan
Addressing an election rally in Chhattisgarh’s Rajnandgaon town, some 75 km
from capital Raipur, the young Congress leader said: “It’s (the UPA) the ...

More news can be found with full coverage at...


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Yuvraj Gajpal
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