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The task of making the PDS work

Posted by: "S.Choudhary" smita...@gmail.com   shu36garh

Thu Jul 8, 2010 5:58 am (PDT)

The task of making the PDS work
Jean Dreze

When I first visited Surguja district in Chhattisgarh nearly 10 years
ago, it was one of those areas where the Public Distribution System
(PDS) was virtually non-functional. I felt constrained to write, at
that time, that “the whole system looks like it has been designed to
fail.” Ration shops were in the hands of corrupt private dealers, who
made money by selling PDS grain in the open market. People were
powerless to argue when a dealer told them that, for no fault of his,
the stocks were bare. Hunger haunted the land.

Ten years later, there has been a remarkable turnaround on the PDS
front. One hesitates to give good marks to the Government of
Chhattisgarh these days, given its monstrous actions in other domains
– the sell-out to mining companies, backing of Salwa Judum, and
suppression of human rights, to mention a few. Still, the revival of
the PDS in Chhattisgarh is a major achievement, of interest to the
whole country.

I had an enlightening view of this revival in Surguja a few weeks ago.
Today, almost every household in this area is entitled to 35 kg of
grain each month, at Re. 1 or Rs. 2 a kg (depending on the type of
ration card). What is more, the system is working – everywhere we
went, we found that people were getting 35 kg of grain on time, every
month. For people who live on the margins of subsistence, this is a

The planned National Food Security Act represents a unique opportunity
to achieve similar gains across the country. However, the current
draft, prepared by an Empowered Group of Ministers, is a non-starter
in this respect. Indeed, the food guarantee is restricted to 25 kg of
grain (at an unspecified price) for BPL households. This is less than
their existing entitlements. In response to recent agitations, the
government seems willing to raise the poverty line by a few notches,
so that more households are included. Even then, a targeted PDS is not
the way to guarantee the right to food.

The main problem with targeting is that it is both unreliable and
divisive. The first point is evident from many investigations into the
distribution of BPL cards. The “exclusion errors” are enormous. For
instance, among all rural households falling below the “poverty line”
according to National Sample Survey data, almost half did not have a
BPL card in 2004-05. Similar findings emerge from National Family
Health Survey data.

Perhaps exclusion errors can be reduced with better BPL identification
methods. The N.C. Saxena Committee has made valuable suggestions in
this respect. But the fact remains that there is no reliable way to
identify poor households based on proxy indicators – it is bound to be
a hit-or-miss exercise. A landless household, for instance, may or may
not be poor, and similarly with a Scheduled Caste or female-headed
household. The fact that a household may be well-off today, but poor
tomorrow (due, say, to illness, displacement or unemployment) does not
help matters. Last but not least, the power equations in the rural
areas are such that any BPL survey is liable to be manipulated. There
is no reason to expect the next BPL survey to be more reliable than
the last one.

Targeting is also divisive: it prevents the emergence of a cohesive
public demand for a functional PDS. And vocal demand is very important
for the success of the PDS. This is one reason why the PDS works much
better in Tamil Nadu than elsewhere: everyone has a stake in it.
Chhattisgarh's recent success builds on the same principle – about 80
per cent of the rural population is covered.

In short, targeting is an ugly business, and it would be particularly
dangerous to “freeze” the BPL-APL distinction into law. That will
amount to converting a purely statistical benchmark, the “poverty
line,” into a permanent social division. Surely, the purpose of the
Food Security Act is not to manufacture class conflict?

For all these reasons, serious consideration must be given to the
obvious alternative – a universal Public Distribution System, at least
in the rural areas and urban slums. Consider the potential benefits
first: every family will have food assured in the house, month after
month. Gone will be the days of cold hearths and empty stomachs. For
those at risk of hunger, the PDS will be a lifeline. For others, it
will be a form of income support and social security – valuable things
to have, even when you are not hungry. The case for universalisation
builds on this “dual purpose” of the PDS – food security and income

The nutrition impact of the PDS, one may argue, is likely to be
limited even in the “universal” version. This may well be true. One
reason is that the PDS may not do much for young children – the
crucial age group as far as nutrition is concerned. What most children
need is not more foodgrains but more nutritious food (including animal
protein), better breastfeeding practices, health care and related
support. They need to be fatter at birth, which requires further
interventions (important in their own right) related to women's health
and maternal entitlements. Special programmes are needed for
marginalised groups such as the urban homeless. Thus, a universal PDS
is only one part of an effective system of food and nutrition

This is not likely to come cheap. Tentative calculations suggest that
a comprehensive Food Security Act may cost something like one lakh
crore rupees a year. This may sound like a mind-boggling price tag,
but it is not. For one thing, in a country where half the children are
undernourished, there is no quick fix — any serious attempt to deal
with mass undernourishment is bound to be expensive. For another, one
lakh crore rupees is just about 1.5 per cent of India's Gross Domestic
Product. Is that an excessive price to pay to protect everyone from

Incidentally, India already spends more than that sum on things that
are rather trivial compared with the right to food. I am not just
thinking of military expenditure, which could do with some pruning,
especially when it is being used also for internal repression. The
fertilizer subsidy is in the range of one lakh crore rupees a year,
with doubtful social benefits, not to speak of the environmental
damage. And the annual “revenue foregone” on account of tax exemptions
is more than five lakh crore rupees, according to the Finance
Minister's own “Foregone Revenue Statement.” This includes about Rs.
80,000 crore of corporate income tax foregone (some of it “on account
of contributions to political parties”) and nearly Rs. 40,000 crore of
foregone customs duties on “vegetables, fruits, cereals and edible

The “food subsidy” itself is already around Rs. 70,000 crore. The
problem is not so much that this subsidy level is too low, but that it
is badly used. A telling symptom of this today is the mindless
accumulation of nearly 60 million tonnes of grain in government
warehouses. Instead of whining about food inflation, and blaming
“hoarders” for it, the government would do well to release some of the
gigantic food stocks.

This is not to dismiss the resource constraints. One way ahead will be
to introduce universal PDS, say, in the poorest 200 districts, and
extend it gradually to the whole country – much as in the case of the
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. Today's excess stocks will be
of great help in the initial phase of this transition. Five years from
now, the cost of a comprehensive food security system will be closer
to 1 per cent than 1.5 per cent of GDP, if the current rates of growth
continue. Meanwhile there will be enough time to enhance food
procurement and mobilise extra funds. The roadmap is clear: promote
local procurement and tax the rich.

None of this, of course, will be of much use unless the PDS can be
made to work. Universalisation itself will help in that respect, as
argued earlier. But systemic reforms of the PDS are required, building
on the wealth of insights that have been gained from recent
initiatives to restore transparency and accountability in various
domains. If Chhattisgarh can turn the PDS around, why not other

The National Food Security Act is not going to eliminate malnutrition
in one go. But it could be the end of hunger, and the beginning of a
new movement for the realisation of everyone's right to good
nutrition. Let all this be clear before the idea is dismissed as

(The author is Honorary Professor at the Delhi School of Economics.)



Are our memorandums reaching anywhere?

Posted by: "Agapit Tirkey" agapit.tir...@gmail.com

Thu Jul 8, 2010 12:17 pm (PDT)

Dear Friends,

I wonder sometime whether various memoranda sent by well meaning serious Adivasi and other citizens of India to concerned authorities reach them at all! Do they not get lost in the heap of dusty office files down the line in the labyrinths of the secretariats of those higher ups in state capitals and in the Centre in Delhi? The following report hints at the above possibility as given below.

The Chhattisgarh Anti-Displacement Forum staged a rally on 5th June 2010 in Raigarh on the World Ecology Day. It announced that protesting against destruction of ecology and displacement of farmers in the name of development, fighting for the protection of survival of Adivasis, it had sent one memorandum to the Governor of Chhattisgarh on 6th October 2009 and it did not receive any reply to it till date. Meanwhile, situations were becoming from bad to worse. Therefore, yet another memorandum with demands as under was being sent to the same Governor as follows:

1. Stop completely the opening of mines and industries in excessively and critically polluted areas like Korba and Raigarh.

2. Suppress false public hearings which ignore the objections of people in places like Gare, Kunjemura, Dabra, Binchcote, etc. Take severe action against officials who tamper with ecology.

3. In the Scheduled Areas, without the consent of the Gram Sabha, opening of any mine, industry or project, acquisition of land or diversion of agricultural land are prohibited under the PESA Law. In violation of the above rules, in the district of Jashpur especially, in spite of powerful local protests, misusing the government machineries, autocratic way of functioning of the authorities continues in at least 17 places. Therefore, cancel all illegal applications for prospecting license/mining license that were made without the real consent of land owners with their land records (pattas).

4. Cancel immediately false cases against village and social activists protesting against displacement, for example, in the police stations at Sanna, Tapkara and Bagbahar in the district of Jashpur; at Bhupdeonagar in the district of Raigarh; at Dabra in the district of Janjgir and at the Chhurikala municipality of the Korba district against villagers with false cases, false SC, ST Act cases, etc.

5. Halt immediately massive militarization going on and oppression of the police in Adivasi majority areas all over India, for example, at Kalinganagar, Jagatsinhpur …. Posco, in Orissa; at Potka in Jharkhand, etc.

6. Resettle millions of displaced Adivasis from 644 villages of Bastar according to the suggestions given by National Human Rights Commission.

7. Even today the farmers have not been resettled who had been displaced for the cement industries of Chhattisgarh, the farmers who had been displaced by the Seepat and Korba NTPCs have not been resettled. Stop completely, therefore, the displacement of every kind as long as the displaced citizens of the past are not resettled justly and in an all round way.

In solidarity,
Agapit Tirkey


Re: After Naxal attacks, CRPF desires to withdraw from Bastar

Posted by: "nand kashyap" nand.kash...@yahoo.com

Thu Jul 8, 2010 1:04 pm (PDT)

Dear Sebastian,

You are right on the issue of economic policy.But the problem is
also somewhere else,that is the respect for human being as human and providing him space with

With crores of rupees in the hands of people who see from top and
think like whether these people below will take over their place in the elitist society and gulp those crores for themselves, the problem lies here.

If these thing were not happened there would have no naxalite problem.

N K Kashyap


Re: Azad's death

Posted by: "VN" vns...@gmail.com   vns44

Thu Jul 8, 2010 1:12 pm (PDT)

Dear Manju Sainath,

What law in this country is being followed. The Law including the
Constitution is interpreted differently by different court benches at
different times by majority and minority counts on the bench. It also
differs with time and the person(s) sitting on the bench. How come a
criminal gets different decisions at different levels of the judicial
system and almost in all cases? How can a man in the forest know what is the law and how to interpret and then follow it if well educated lawyers in HCs and Supreme Court are not aware of. Leave myself and youself alone. Then which law Sri Chidambaram, Dr. Raman Singh and Salwa Judum Chief Sri Mahendra Karma is following? Which constitution authorised Sri Karma to kill people and on whose behalf? Where is the law in respect to him, his sons and his goons. Will it be fair to stand by the killers who are ensuring structured violence in the society. The violence of the weak, the poor and helpless is the result of this structural violence created by the Govt, Corporates and Media combine.

Anyway, as you must have read Sri Azad was negotiating agenda for Peace with Sri Chidambaram. His murder, surely was intentional and a way to derail the Peace process. In Sri Azad's letter to PC Maoists have even referred to Constitution and its provisions. What does that indicate to you? BTW, Who should be the culprit in such circumstances?


--- In chhattisgarh-n...@yahoogroups.com, G MANJU SAINATH
<gmanjusainath@...> wrote:
> Dear Rahul,
> Abiding by the law is not the responsibility of state alone. It is for
> people too to obey it and if its people turn enemies of the country
and kill
> the innocent masses then whatever done against such monsters is
> notwithstanding the hue and cry made by the human rights group.
> Manju


Firewood problem in villages

Posted by: "CGnet Swara" cgnetsw...@gmail.com

Thu Jul 8, 2010 5:33 pm (PDT)

Dear friends

Please listen to a report by Bhan Sahu talking about on one side
government is drowning forest to make dams and on the other had
harassing a woman teacher for cutting tree for cooking mid day meal
for school children


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