Title: chhattisgarh-net

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Re: Dangers of the Green India Mission

Posted by: "op goel" opg...@yahoo.com   opgoel

Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:43 am (PDT)

Dear Bijoy

Is it true that felling of trees is not permitted anymore in India?


--- On Tue, 7/20/10, C.R Bijoy <bijoy...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: C.R Bijoy <bijoy...@gmail.com>
Subject: [chhattisgarh-net] Dangers of the Green India Mission
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 7:23 PM

A Formula for More Land and Resource Grabbing: Dangers of the Green India

Forest Movements' Joint Statement

As national platforms of forest dwellers' movements and struggle
organisations, we strongly oppose the Green India Mission recently
announced by the Ministry of Environment and as part of the National Action
Plan for Climate Change. *This Mission, in its current form, will lead to
increased land grabbing, violation of people's rights, environmental
destruction, and loss of common lands and livelihoods based on them, without
in any way genuinely responding to the burning problem of climate change.


Jindal Says there are No Elephants in Raigarh !

Posted by: "Ramesh Agrawal" ramesh.agra...@gmail.com   rameshsatyam

Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:18 am (PDT)

Dear All

In each Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Report submitted by Jindal for public hearing and environment clearance it is said there are no existence or migratory route of elephants in 10 km radius of Jindals projects like 1000 mw and 2400 mw thermal power plants and coal mines in Tamnar. If they say project site includes migratory route of elephants, there are many problems getting approval from Ministry of Environment and Forests.But please watch this video of a group of elephants which came out on road nearby.The incident (video) is near about one month old.




More press reports on CSR and environment award to Jindals

Posted by: "Ramesh Agrawal" ramesh.agra...@gmail.com   rameshsatyam

Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:23 am (PDT)

[Attachment(s) from Ramesh Agrawal included below]

Dear Friends

Please read this report in Business Srandard and Daily Chhattisgarh about CSR and Golden peacock environment award to Jindals

CSR Excellence Award for JSPL
BS Reporter / Kolkata/ Bhubaneswar July 21, 2010, 0:48 IST

The Jindal Steel and Power Ltd (JSPL) has received the Corporate Social Responsibility Excellence Award from ASSOCHAM for the year 2010. The award was received jointly by CSR teams of various JSPL units namely Angul, Raigarh and Patratu. he company's CSR policy aims at bringing about a radical transformation in the quality of people in and around the operation areas of the company through positive social upliftment interventions. Its key focus areas are Health, Education, Women Empowerment, Livelihood, Livestock Care, Drinking Water and Sanitation, Youth and Sports, Natural Resource Management and Infrastructure Development. These intervention areas are developed in line with the Vision 2020 and Millennium Development Goal 2015.


The news published in today's 'Chhattisgarh' www.dailychhattisgarh.com is attached


Attachment(s) from Ramesh Agrawal

1 of 1 File(s)


Re: Sad news : RTI activist shot dead in Gujarat

Posted by: "dipankar" dbasu200...@yahoo.com   dbasu2002in

Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:06 am (PDT)

Family members of Amit Jethwa have blamed BJP MP Dinubhai Solanki for the murder:


Excerpt: Jethwa's family blames BJP MP Dinubhai Solanki for the murder. Over the last two years, Jethwa filed nearly six RTI applications, asking for information on Solanki's possible involvement in illegal mining. "We have been receiving threats and we are sure that Dinubhai Solanki and his family members were involved in the cold blooded murder," says Jethwa's father, Bikhubhai.



Re: India set to spend $80 bn in defence acquisitions

Posted by: "sebastian" dears...@yahoo.com   dearsaby

Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:28 am (PDT)

Dear friends,

8 states of India has more poor people than the 26 countries of Africa.

Within 5-10 ten years the number of poor may increase to double that is to say it may go up to 16 states if the way things are going.

Moreover there is a proposed bill to increase the salaries of MPs from 16000 to 80001 just because their salaries are less than that of the secretaries.Daily bhatta is alsoto be increased from Rs.1000 to 2000.

The latest report says that 67 M.L.As have been suspended in the Bihar assembly for unruly behavior,throwing chairs,slippers,breaking the mike and fighting with each other. A matter of shame for the people of our country who elected them to this high post-people's representative.

Their salary should definitely be increased as well.The tax payer's money is meant for this if not what else.

For getting the benefit of the development fund allotted to the people's representative the people have to first collect and give ten percent of the amount that would be sanctioned by the same representative.Moreover while the development being carried out another 10% will be given again to him for his kindness of sanctioning the same.This is over and above the big salaries and other benefits which we need not mention.

A Survey says that 77% of the people in our country are living with just 20 rupees a day. What is the justification for five times increase of the salary of the M.P.?

To whom does India belong to?

All Indians are equal and have fundamental right to life and property,freedom of _expression_ etc.

Lakhs of families without shelter,without food,without drinking water.7000 children die of malnutrition everyday.Who is responsible?

Billions can be spent for purchase of arms to protect -wonderful.

--- In chhattisgarh-n...@yahoogroups.com, "SADANAND PATWARDHAN" <2sadan...@...> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> No money for education, food (PDS), or expanding NREGA to 200 days support
> per annum. But no financial constraints for weapons acquisition. India has
> US$ 80 billion (or Rs. 3,600 billion = Rs. 360,000 Crore ) to spend over
> next 5 years in acquiring defense systems. 2010-11 acquisition budget is US$
> 13 billion (or Rs. 585 billion = Rs. 58,500 Crore).
> Sadanand
> India
> <http://www.indianexpress.com/news/india-set-to-spend-80-bn-in-defence-acquisitions/649379/>


Re: Skewed growth to blame for rise of Naxals: Supreme Court

Posted by: "sebastian" dears...@yahoo.com   dearsaby

Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:46 am (PDT)

Dear all,

The observation of the Supreme Court in Mahanadi coal fields case is noteworthy.Perhaps S.C is not aware that there are cases of non settlement of compensation which is much more than 23 years old.One such example is the compensation issue of farmers who lost their land under the dam in Kansa village of Dabhra Block In Janjgir-Champa district.

The highest court of the country often is concerned about the sufferings of the masses but that doesn't seem to be the attitude of the lower courts.The lower courts need to learn from the S.C when dealing with innocents and not being influenced by the state governments.The police should be taken to task who creates false cases on the innocent people and incarcerate them for years for no fault of their own


--- In chhattisgarh-n...@yahoogroups.com, "S.Choudhary" <smita...@...> wrote:
> Skewed growth to blame for rise of Naxals: SCDhananjay Mahapatra, TNN, Jul
> 21, 2010,


Convention against UAPA

Posted by: "preetimola" preetim...@yahoo.com   preetimola

Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:07 am (PDT)

Unlawful Activities Prevention Act: The New Name for TADA and POTA

In May 2004, when the Congress led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government came to power, the repeal of POTA figured prominently in its Common Minimum Programme (CMP). POTA was repealed but through an Ordinance, the existing Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 was amended. Along with the repeal of POTA, the Parliament approved of this new law, UAPA, 2004.
Like its previous avatars, POTA and TADA, UAPA is the government's arsenal for banning all kinds of political activities which it labels as `unlawful', `terrorist', `anti-national' or `seditious'. Under this new law, the existing definition of `unlawful activities' has been widened to incorporate `terrorist activities' and provisions for punishment and enhanced penalties for `terrorist activities' have been included. Banning a `terrorist' organization is easier under UAPA as the procedures are less stringent than those for banning an `unlawful organization.
Like POTA and TADA, UAPA is being used to curb political dissent. Over 35 organizations have been banned under the law already. Most recently, the Gujarat government used it against trade union and forest rights workers. The first custodial death under UAPA happened when journalist Swapan Dasgupta, a UAPA detainee in CPI(M)-ruled West Bengal, was left to die without timely and proper medical care in early February this year. UAPA is being used to repress struggles by poor peasants and adivasis for their land and resources, against workers, minorities, civil rights activists, journalists, lawyers and students for talking about democratic rights in the public domain, and to label and ban organizations as terrorist. In short UAPA is just as undemocratic as its predecessors, and without the recourse to review that POTA and TADA provided. In the absence of a public debate that POTA had generated on its misuse, and the periodic legislative review that TADA and POTA required, UAPA has the potential to wreak greater destruction on democracy and its institutions.

Peoples Union for Democratic Rights
Invites you to
A Convention Against Unlawful Activities Prevention Act
At the Indian Law Institute
On 24th July 2010, Saturday, 10:00am – 5:00 pm
Oppose ban on dissent, Demand repeal of UAPA

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