Title: chhattisgarh-net

Messages In This Digest (8 Messages)



Compensation is a good start but what about punishing the guilty...

Posted by: "savebastar" savebas...@ymail.com   savebastar

Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:42 am (PDT)

Dear friends,

I heard in the news that the court has ordered the government to give 1 lac each to the wives of the three innocent tribals killed at Matwada village in Bastar.But there is no mention for any punishment for the people responsible for this fake encounter.

When Shorabuddin encounter is making headlines again why not giving some respect for the dead tribals by punishing the people responsible for ruining the lives of so many people in Bastar.



Re: Compensation is a good start but what about punishing the guilty

Posted by: "rahul" aaroh...@yahoo.com   aarohini

Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:00 pm (PDT)

getting positive judgments from the courts is like a game of roulette.
Rahul Banerjee
From: savebastar <savebas...@ymail.com>
To: chhattisgarh-n...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, 22 July, 2010 21:52:11
Subject: [chhattisgarh-net] Compensation is a good start but what about
punishing the guilty...

Dear friends,

I heard in the news that the court has ordered the government to give 1 lac each
to the wives of the three innocent tribals killed at Matwada village in
Bastar.But there is no mention for any punishment for the people responsible for
this fake encounter.

When Shorabuddin encounter is making headlines again why not giving some respect
for the dead tribals by punishing the people responsible for ruining the lives
of so many people in Bastar.



Report on experiment Development Pact in Chhattisgarh

Posted by: "Prateek Pandey" prateekcons...@gmail.com

Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:53 am (PDT)

[Attachment(s) from Prateek Pandey included below]

Dear All

Please find a report of an innovative effort called Development Pact tried during Panchayat elections earlier this year.Perhaps
it's first effort in India of such an experiment(Please correct me,if i'm wrong) with documentary

With best wishes.....

Satymev Jayte.....

Prateek Pandey
Right to Information Program
303,Adharshila Tower
Infront Of Chhattisgarh Hospital
Mowa,Raipur [Chhattisgarh]-492007

Attachment(s) from Prateek Pandey

1 of 1 File(s)


Re: Convention against UAPA

Posted by: "rahul" aaroh...@yahoo.com   aarohini

Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:55 am (PDT)

There is need for a nationwide debate on UAPA and how it can be countered in
various forums. Just holding one meeting in Delhi wont do. Regional meetings in
all the state capitals should be arranged and grassroots activists who suffer
most should be invited.
Rahul Banerjee
74,Krishnodayanagar,Khandwa naka,Indore,Madhya Pradesh, India-452001
Cell no: +919926791773
webpage: http://rahulbanerjee.notlong.com
blog: http://anar-kali.blogspot.com

From: preetimola <preetim...@yahoo.com>
To: chhattisgarh-n...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, 21 July, 2010 23:28:33
Subject: [chhattisgarh-net] Convention against UAPA

Unlawful Activities Prevention Act: The New Name for TADA and POTA

In May 2004, when the Congress led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government
came to power, the repeal of POTA figured prominently in its Common Minimum
Programme (CMP). POTA was repealed but through an Ordinance, the existing
Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 was amended. Along with the repeal of
POTA, the Parliament approved of this new law, UAPA, 2004.

Like its previous avatars, POTA and TADA, UAPA is the government's arsenal for
banning all kinds of political activities which it labels as `unlawful',
`terrorist', `anti-national' or `seditious'. Under this new law, the existing
definition of `unlawful activities' has been widened to incorporate `terrorist
activities' and provisions for punishment and enhanced penalties for `terrorist
activities' have been included. Banning a `terrorist' organization is easier
under UAPA as the procedures are less stringent than those for banning an
`unlawful organization.

Like POTA and TADA, UAPA is being used to curb political dissent. Over 35
organizations have been banned under the law already. Most recently, the Gujarat
government used it against trade union and forest rights workers. The first
custodial death under UAPA happened when journalist Swapan Dasgupta, a UAPA
detainee in CPI(M)-ruled West Bengal, was left to die without timely and proper
medical care in early February this year. UAPA is being used to repress
struggles by poor peasants and adivasis for their land and resources, against
workers, minorities, civil rights activists, journalists, lawyers and students
for talking about democratic rights in the public domain, and to label and ban
organizations as terrorist. In short UAPA is just as undemocratic as its
predecessors, and without the recourse to review that POTA and TADA provided. In
the absence of a public debate that POTA had generated on its misuse, and the
periodic legislative review that TADA and POTA required, UAPA has the potential
to wreak greater destruction on democracy and its institutions.

Peoples Union for Democratic Rights
Invites you to
A Convention Against Unlawful Activities Prevention Act
At the Indian Law Institute
On 24th July 2010, Saturday, 10:00am – 5:00 pm
Oppose ban on dissent, Demand repeal of UAPA


Re: More press reports on CSR and environment award to Jindals [1 At

Posted by: "op goel" opg...@yahoo.com   opgoel

Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:56 am (PDT)

Dear Ramesh

Since you are so against Jindals, can you spell out your grouses? Though you have been spewing venom left and right against the Jindals, I am yet to read a substantive charge sheet.


--- On Wed, 7/21/10, Ramesh Agrawal <ramesh.agrawal@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Ramesh Agrawal <ramesh.agrawal@gmail.com>
Subject: [chhattisgarh-net] More press reports on CSR and environment award to Jindals [1 Attachment]
To: "S.Choudhary" <smita...@gmail.com>
Cc: chhattisgarh-n...@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 9:44 PM

Dear Friends

Please read this report in Business Srandard and Daily Chhattisgarh about CSR and Golden peacock environment award to Jindals


Death of a Journalist

Posted by: "dipankar" dbasu200...@yahoo.com   dbasu2002in

Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:57 am (PDT)


The death of freelance journalist Hemchandra Pandey in an alleged fake encounter has triggered outrage among many journalists and human rights activists all over the country, even at the level of UNESCO and International Federation of Journalists. Shamefully, the national dailies he used to write for continue to disown him

Shaweta Anand, Delhi

The memory of freelance journalist Hemchandra Pandey, widely perceived to have been killed in a fake encounter by the police in Andhra Pradesh on July 2, is still raw. In that backdrop, Journalists for People organised an open discussion on the 'Role of Journalists in Undeclared Emergency' at Gandhi Peace Foundation in Delhi on July 20, 2010. Several senior writers and young female and male journalists participated in the 'conversation'.

Consulting Editor of Economic and Political Weekly, Gautam Navalakha, said that the death of Pandey was not an isolated incident. Several youngsters have been killed in Kashmir in just the last two months. "Reporters face lot of pressure since the ruling class tries to suppress or buy off media houses. The editors also tend to kill genuine stories out of fear," he said. "Reporters must learn to deal with this by not letting their pen become a pawn at the hands of others," he added. "We must take a stand now and speak up because those killed were in favour of peace."

He was also referring to the death of Cherukuri Rajkumar alias Azad, top leader of the banned CPI (Maoist), who was part of the peace process between the state and Maoists initiated by Swami Agnivesh, and was killed alongside Pandey, when the latter had reportedly gone to interview him. There is widespread opinion that he let his guard down due to the invitation for peace talks and hence was caught and killed - that it was a fake encounter.

"This is indeed a state of undeclared emergency, where levels of democracy has stooped so low that anyone can get arrested for raising their voice," said Suresh Nautiyal of the Uttarakhand Journalists Forum. "Why Hemchandra, anyone of us can be shot dead. It is conformism which is ruling the roost. In this generation, most journalists try to avoid leg-work themselves and willingly settle for low-standard, convenient reporting while views expressed by correspondents from small-scale publications have lesser reach and are taken lightly. However, they are often the only truth being told."

"In such a scenario, communicating the right information to the larger public is even more important so that correct opinion can be mobilised. Pandey's killing symbolises a much larger struggle," he stressed.

Poet Neelabh agreed that the rich and the powerful do not care about public welfare as they are the ones who also loot the country, snatching natural resources from adivasis and tribals. Yeh goliyan baantne vaali sarkar hai, kheer baantne vaali nahin (This government distributes bullets, not sweet dishes). "Therefore alternative media, as opposed to corporate-driven media, is most crucial at this juncture as one can hope to get the right information only through them," he said.

He said there should no illusion that they are powerful, and most writers chose to keep silent when the idea of dissent was clubbed as a crime in alignment with Maoists. All dissent is being dubbed as Maoist, so why are writers silent on this. "This is like the witch-hunt in the US during the Cold War," he said.

Poonam Pandey from Navbharat Times said that journalists should deal with the duality within themselves first and become true journalists rather than employees, who mechanically follow orders from bosses. She said there is an "undeclared emergency" inside the heart and minds of journalists, and they seem to be unable to break this ossified realm of internal and external censorship in reporting and writing.

Swami Agnivesh, also an advocate of the peace process between the Maoists and the State, said that if one has to speak the truth then one should be ready to pay the price for it. "In a state of undeclared emergency in the country, we cannot afford to be fearful or discouraged. If reporters really want to speak the truth, there are so many new ways in which they can reach out to people, for instance, using modern technology, through websites, use of mobile phones, SMSes etc. Besides, they should be prepared to pay the price for telling the truth and not compromising."

It has been more than two weeks since Pandey was killed, why haven't reporters written about it? Where is investigative journalism? Why didn't journalists go to the spot at Adilabad and investigate about the killing?" he questioned.

He said that there are too many zigzags, so there is no straight line, and there are too many contradictions within the ruling structure, more than we can imagine. Hence a new strategy should be defined.

"A story should be objectively reported and should be pluralistic in coverage so that all aspects of truth get fairly represented. But today, reporting is driven by corporate clubs, one-dimensional police versions and jingoistic patriotism that have no notion of ethics, restrain, fairness or sensitivity," said Amit Sengupta, Executive Editor, Hardnews magazine. "Being stupid, inefficient, lazy and mediocre does not make a journalist more patriotic or successful," he said.

"There are so many peaceful, indigenous non-Maoist struggles in our country (Kalinganagar, Niyamgiri etc), there is intense repression out there, so why are we not reporting about these conflict zones," he said. "The Batla House encounter is widely perceived to be a fake encounter, so why did everyone buy the police version only with no other angles explored? Why did we blindly blame the Muslims when the Mecca Masjid, Hyderabad, Ajmer Sharif, Samjhauta Express and Malegaon blasts happened - whereby Hemant Karkare's leads are all now taking the investigations towards Hindutva terror groups with RSS links?"

"Being corrupt as reporters and lobbying for corporates is not my idea of patriotism and nationalism, while posing the right question at the right time probably is," he added.

Senior journalist Anand Swaroop Verma made a plea to join forces and not to succumb to any form of repression or censorship. Academic and journalist Bhupen cajoled everyone to rethink their priorities and push for an alternative mainstream which stands for truth and public interest journalism.

UNESCO and International Federation of Journalists, among several civil society groups have criticized the killing of Pandey and asked for an enquiry. The meeting resolved to hold a commemorative memorial lecture in memory of Pandey every year, and not to let his memory die. His murder is not acceptable and journalists will not be cowed down by the State, it was resolved. Truth must be reported, and not through the prism of fear or compromise. Writers and journalists should have the freedom to think different, to experiment with ideologies, and the right to resist and creative dissent.

It was also decided to pass a resolution strongly criticizing three Hindi dailies which brazenly lied to the media and public that Pandey never wrote for them - though his clippings stand as evidence. Indeed, there was much angst and anger at the Hindi dailies, especially against one particular editor, who promptly held a press conference to disown Pandey. "Shameful," said most speakers at the meet.


Govt considers 26% equity for tribals in mining

Posted by: "S.Choudhary" smita...@gmail.com   shu36garh

Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:17 pm (PDT)


RTI powers change in Chhattisgarh villages

Posted by: "Prateek Pandey" prateekcons...@gmail.com

Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:29 pm (PDT)

Dear All

Please see the link below.Its really very nice story on Development Plan in Hindustan Times


With best wishes.....

Satymev Jayte.....

Prateek Pandey
Right to Information Program
303,Adharshila Tower
Infront Of Chhattisgarh Hospital
Mowa,Raipur [Chhattisgarh]-492007

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