Title: chhattisgarh-net

Messages In This Digest (5 Messages)



Independence Day thoughts : Are Dalits and Adivasis really free?

Posted by: "CGnet Swara" cgnetsw...@gmail.com

Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:11 pm (PDT)

Dear friends

Suman from Prayas in South Rajasthan is reporting that Adivasis in
that area are not allowed to walk with their shoes on in front of
houses of upper caste. They are not allowed to sit on chair in front
of them. Bonded labor system is still on and people working with
Adivasis are also attacked by upper caste people for working amongst
the adivasis


Khemraj Choudhary from Rajasthan has sent a report about situation of
Dalits who are not allowed to enter temples and not allowed to
celebrate as they want. He narrates a recent incident where Dalits
were beaten and boycotted for using drums in a marriage ceremony.
British have left but are these people really indipenedent, he asks.


You can also listen to these reports by dialing the new number for
CGnet Swara 080 4113 7280

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CGnet Swara moderators


Himanshu Kumar on Cycle Yatra meets Vedanta affected in South Rajast

Posted by: "CGnet Swara" cgnetsw...@gmail.com

Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:11 pm (PDT)

Dear friends

Himanshu Kumar on his cycle yatra has reached villages in Chittorgarh
district of Rajasthan. He reports from there that people from evicted
villages of Vedanta's Hindustan Zinc are sitting on a protest from
last 135 days but no one has taken notice of them. No media or
politician has visited them. In water scarce Rajasthan Vedanta is also
digging deep tube wells and making dams to supply water to the factory
which will also submerge the golden triangle road


Ratan Dhakad from Chittorgarh reports that no local villager has
benefited from the Hindustan Zinc factory by Vedanta in last 20 years.
No local has got job and people have been paid very little in
compensation for their land


You can also listen to these reports by dialing the new number for
CGnet Swara 080 4113 7280

Can we request you to please make a note of this new number in your
mobile phones and please help us by telling this new number to our
friends who are not on e mails

Please call this number to record and listen to messages in CGnet
Swara and let us know if you encounter any problems

CGnet Swara moderators


Re: A video on Raigarh programme against displacement.

Posted by: "Ramesh Agrawal" ramesh.agra...@gmail.com   rameshsatyam

Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:18 pm (PDT)

Thanks Adiyog Ji for sharing the video. Commendable work of committed Bhan Sahu.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Awaz Lucknow" <awaz...@hotmail.com>
To: "Chhattisgarh Net" <chhattisgarh-n...@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2010 10:38 AM
Subject: [chhattisgarh-net] A video on Raigarh programme against

Dear friends,

Displacement is a major issue at national level and it is very clear that it
can not be fought in isolation. Wider unity is must to challenge anti people
policies, programmes and practices being adopted by our governments. This
understanding became instrumental in the formation of Chattisgarh Visthapan
Virodhi Manch- a forum of peoples organisations and individuals struggling
against displacement.

You know that Bhan Sahu of Jurmil Morcha is in the role of a citizen
journalist also as CGNet Swara has provided this opportunity to prove her
hidden potential. She is also learning to make video news reports to focus
peoples issues & concerns and that too by a cheapest camera.

She was a part of Raigarh programme organised on 5th June last against
pollution and displacement being caused by companies. She covered the event
for CGNet Swara and made a 4.30 minute video also which appeared in India
Unheard. It is her first work as video volunteer. Please click the link


She may be contacted on 09406033089



61 trucks with 300 tons of explosives go missing in central India

Posted by: "adarsh chandrakar" adars...@yahoo.com   adarshch

Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:21 pm (PDT)

61 trucks loaded with 300 tons of explosives go missing in central India

NEW DELHI, Aug. 13 (Xinhua) -- Some 61 trucks loaded with over 300 tons of
explosives have gone missing in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, a
senior police official said Friday.
"The trucks were sent from a state-owned factory, Rajasthan Explosives and
Chemicals Limited, in Dholpur to a private company called Ganesh Explosives in
the state's Sagar district. But it never reached there," the official said.
A massive search is on to track down the trucks as fear is mounting that if the
explosives, including detonators and gelatin sticks, reach the wrong hands it
could be devastating, he added.
Meanwhile, Rajasthan Explosives and Chemicals Limited has claimed that it can't
be blamed for this disappearance as it sent explosives only in trucks authorized
by the company.
"We hand over the explosives to those who have the license. And they then
dispatch it on their truck. Now, whatever happens to that explosive thereafter,
we are not responsible for that," Y.C. Upadhyay of the company said.



A convergence of interests: An interview with Arundhati Roy

Posted by: "Subrat" subra...@gmail.com   subrat69

Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:59 pm (PDT)

'A convergence of interests'

The Hindustan Times
16 Aug 2010

Maoists form only the most militant end of a spectrum of tribal resistance
movements, says writer and activist *Arundhati Roy*. In an emailed interview
with *Sanjib K Baruah*, the Booker Prize-winning author says non-tribal
leaders have helped these movements retain a link with the rest of the
country, and "development", as envisaged by the government, is not the
answer to their woes.


Does India appropriately recognise the traditional rights of the indigenous people?

India has behaved with tribal people like a colonial power. It has
disenfranchised them, made them squatters on their own land and criminalised
their way of life. They were criminals by default then. They're terrorists

Are we at present seeing a tribal upsurge or a Maoist struggle?*
Both. Tribal resistance in central India predated Mao by centuries. However
today, right now, we are seeing a convergence of interests of Maoist
ideology and tribal resistance. A huge majority, maybe more than 90 per cent
of the Maoist cadre, is made up of tribal people.

But the Maoists are only one part of the insurrection. They do not represent
all tribals, or all resistance movements. They do not even claim to. The
character of the current rebellion is diverse, not homogeneous. That
diversity is what gives it its strength.

Unlike the Maoists, I don't think that tribal people are fighting to
overthrow the Indian state. They don't know what the Indian state is. They
are fighting to preserve their homelands, to not be displaced, to not have
their mountains and forests and rivers devastated by "development".

The Maoist party's goals are different. The tribal areas are where they hope
to consolidate their military strength and launch their revolution. But
though they have different goals, different worldviews, different ideas
about what development means, they all know they are ranged against the same
corporate juggernaut.

Is it a contradiction that the Maoist leadership is essentially non-tribal?

If the movement were exclusively tribal, it would have been easier to
encircle and crush. It would have been easier to discredit because it would
quickly become an "identity" struggle.

It is the "non-tribal" Maoists and other activists in the other resistance
movements, as well as other free-floating activists, who keep that link

The nature of the leadership may be an issue if the revolution they dream of
actually materialised, and there were very different ideas about what to do
with that victory. But right now, that is in the very very distant future.
*In the current context, is economic development the problem or the
The kind of development (Home Minister) P Chidambaram and (Prime Minister)
Manmohan Singh envisage is most definitely the problem. So when they come up
with the "two-pronged" strategy idea, of "development" and "security", it's
a little like saying we'll use two guns instead of one. There are no weekend
solutions to this insurrection.


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