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From: "Dana Aldea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ?iso-8859-1?Q?Universal,Caldero'n_revives_the_Puebla-Panama_Plan,Ap?   
?iso-8859-1?Q?r_16?Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 15:38:35 +0200

Caldero'n revives the Puebla-Panama Plan


El Universal
Lunes 16 de abril de 2007

Could it be that the long-heralded Puebla-toPanama Plan (PPP) will actually
get underway soon?

Jump-starting this long-neglected project was the purpose of a one-day
get-together of what could be called the Puebla-to-Panama Club, last Tuesday
in Me'rida. President Felipe Caldero'n was host to six of the seven Central
American leaders, plus Jaime Morales, Nicaragua vice-president, and
President A'lvaro Uribe of Colombia.

The Puebla-toPanama plan was first announced way back in 2001 by
then-President Vicente Fox but, like many of Fox blustery announcements, it
languished ever since.

It's still too soon to say whether anything will develop this time, but
based on the end-of-conference communique', it looks as though the leaders
worked hard and are ready to put some flesh on the bones of the concept.

One encouraging sign was that at the end of the conference, Mexican Foreign
Affairs Secretary Patricia Espinosa said she will instruct the PPP Executive
Commission to get going on the agreed-upon agenda and provide a progress
report at the next meeting.

At the formal dinner on the eve of the conference, Caldero'n said, "My
government is determined to create an agenda in Latin America to bring us
closer to Central America and the Caribbean with the goal of giving force to
the Puebla-to-Panama Plan . Mexico will do her part to realize the dream of
a free, prosperous and just region."

True, these are only words, but Caldero'n has shown himself to be a man of
action in the early days of his administration.

The backbone of PPP, and the most costly project, is upgrading 4,000
kilometers (2485 miles) of highway, starting in Puebla and ending at Panama
City. That would represent major progress toward integrating the economies
of Central America and Mexico.

Under current conditions the cost of moving goods over sub-standard roads
eats up much of the economic advantage of buying from the low-cost source.

The leaders also agreed to take steps to streamline customs procedures at
their respective borders, which would be another big step toward regional

Money has always been a problem, and the plan calls for an active search for
local or international investors for the projects, one of which is an oil
refinery to be located in a yet-to-be-decided Central American country.

As another sign that he is a realist, Caldero'n backed off Fox's original
proposal, under which Mexico was to provide 230,000 barrels of oil a day for
the refinery. With the sudden, steep decline in yield from Canterell,
Mexico's most productive oilfield, he admitted he could only guarantee
80,000 barrels per day.

Instead, the participants will look elsewhere. Colombian president A'lvaro
Uribe said he would help make up the shortfall. Member-nations will also
investigate lowering their crippling energy import costs by increasing
production of ethanol and biodiesel fuels.

Co-operation on international security and a stepped-up effort against
organized crime and the illegal drug trade also comprised an important part
of the agenda. The delegates signed a joint statement asking the United
States for more cooperation in their battle against the drug cartels.

During a break from the formal agenda, Caldero'n met privately with Uribe to
discuss ways Mexico and Colombia can co-ordinate their anti-crime programs.

The two leaders also pledged closer economic co-operation. Their countries
formed part of the G-3 Agreement, which used to include Venezuela, but
Venezuela withdrew last year after President Hugo Cha'vez decided that the
G-3 served no purpose in furthering his Bolivarian Revolution.

Caldero'n also met with Panamanian President Marti'n Torrijos to discuss a
treaty to deal with the issue of double-taxation between Mexicans and

The Armed Forces were prepared to deal with expected anti-PPP
demonstrations, but only about 50 protesters materialized. Most were
environmentalists and members of Mexico's political left.

The plan's opponents fear that the PPP will cause environmental damage and
will benefit only the upper classes, leaving poor and indigenous people
untouched or worse.

They have a point. Despite the plan's obvious advantages, as long as there
is widespread corruption in the region, there is a real danger that few
benefits will percolate down to the lower strata, even though environmental
safety and prosperity for all figure prominently in the rhetoric.

"We want sustainable development spread equally throughout the region,"
Caldero'n said. "The goal is to improve the quality of life of those who live
in the region, encouraging human development."

Integration of Mexico and Central America has been a dream since colonial
days, but in previous centuries the problems of transportation and
communication proved insurmountable in mountainous Central America. That is
no longer the case, though it will take money and political will to pave the

In his closing address, Caldero'n quoted the late Octavio Paz, one of
Mexico's most famous men of letters, saying, "The integration of Latin
America is not a dream but a reality that we are building day to day."

There will always be doubters, but the Puebla-to-Panama Plan just might be
the project that makes integration a tangible force in the life of the

Kenneth Emmond is a freelance journalist and economist who has lived in
Mexico since 1995. You can reach him at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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