Hi all,

Attached is a patch for #1627.

I'm not happy with the hacky way the reader deals with these, but I could
not really come up with a clean solution for it.  Suggestions for
improvement are welcome.

From 5f0eaad134f42e70ad1bef7f50f13342a12a7441 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Bex <pe...@more-magic.net>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2019 15:19:17 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Distinguish between IEEE fp positive and negative zero

To be able to read these numbers, we need a bit of a hacky workaround
because we read integers and then convert them to inexact when needed,
but of course proper integers don't distinguish between positive and
negative zero.

To write these numbers, we need to use signbit(f) instead of checking
whether the number is negative in a "normal" way, because -0.0 is not
smaller than 0.

To compare them, we have the bizarre rule that = will not distinguish,
while equal? and eqv? will.

Fixes #1627, thanks to John Cowan for pointing out this regression
from CHICKEN 4.x (CHICKEN 4 with the numbers egg has the same bug
 NEWS                                      |  5 +++++
 chicken.h                                 |  9 ++++++++-
 library.scm                               | 27 ++++++++++++++++++---------
 runtime.c                                 |  5 +++--
 tests/library-tests.scm                   | 14 ++++++++++++++
 tests/numbers-string-conversion-tests.scm |  8 ++++++++
 6 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index e15ec4e3..da5dc62f 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
+- Runtime system
+  - IEEE floating point negative zero is now properly handled: it can
+    be read, written and distinguished by eqv? and equal?, but not =
+    (fixes #1627, thanks to John Cowan).
 - Compiler
   - Fixed a bug in lfa2 pass which caused "if" or "cond" nodes to be
     incorrectly unboxed if the "else" branch had a flonum result type
diff --git a/chicken.h b/chicken.h
index 88bf4ab3..34a052cf 100644
--- a/chicken.h
+++ b/chicken.h
@@ -2622,6 +2622,12 @@ inline static int C_memcasecmp(const char *x, const char *y, unsigned int len)
   return 0;
+inline static C_word C_ub_i_flonum_eqvp(double x, double y)
+  /* This can distinguish between -0.0 and +0.0 */
+  return x == y && signbit(x) == signbit(y);
 inline static C_word basic_eqvp(C_word x, C_word y)
   return (x == y ||
@@ -2630,7 +2636,8 @@ inline static C_word basic_eqvp(C_word x, C_word y)
            C_block_header(x) == C_block_header(y) &&
            ((C_block_header(x) == C_FLONUM_TAG &&
-             C_flonum_magnitude(x) == C_flonum_magnitude(y)) ||
+             C_ub_i_flonum_eqvp(C_flonum_magnitude(x),
+                               C_flonum_magnitude(y))) ||
             (C_block_header(x) == C_BIGNUM_TAG &&
              C_block_header(y) == C_BIGNUM_TAG &&
diff --git a/library.scm b/library.scm
index 5f03ba02..1921b3bc 100644
--- a/library.scm
+++ b/library.scm
@@ -2398,9 +2398,12 @@ EOF
 ;; Shorthand for readability.  TODO: Replace other C_subchar calls with this
 (define-inline (%subchar s i) (##core#inline "C_subchar" s i))
 (define (##sys#string->compnum radix str offset exactness)
-  (define (go-inexact!)
+  (define negative #f)
+  (define (go-inexact! neg?)
     ;; Go inexact unless exact was requested (with #e prefix)
-    (unless (eq? exactness 'e) (set! exactness 'i)))
+    (unless (eq? exactness 'e)
+      (set! exactness 'i)
+      (set! negative (or negative neg?))))
   (define (safe-exponent value e)
     (and e (cond
             ((not value) 0)
@@ -2465,7 +2468,7 @@ EOF
 			       str start (car end) radix neg?)))
                 (when hashes            ; Eeewww. Feeling dirty yet?
                   (set! seen-hashes? #t)
-                  (go-inexact!))
+                  (go-inexact! neg?))
                 (cons num (cdr end))))))
           (lambda (start)
@@ -2474,7 +2477,7 @@ EOF
                                ((#\+) 'pos) ((#\-) 'neg) (else #f))))
                    (and-let* ((start (if sign (fx+ start 1) start))
                               (end (scan-digits start)))
-                     (go-inexact!)
+                     (go-inexact! (eq? sign 'neg))
                      (cons (##core#inline_allocate
 			    ("C_s_a_i_digits_to_integer" 5)
 			    str start (car end) radix (eq? sign 'neg))
@@ -2508,12 +2511,12 @@ EOF
             (if (and (fx> len (fx+ start 1)) (eq? radix 10)
                      (eq? (%subchar str start) #\.))
-                  (go-inexact!)
+                  (go-inexact! neg?)
                   (scan-decimal-tail (fx+ start 1) neg? #f))
                 (and-let* ((end (scan-digits+hashes start neg? #f)))
                   (case (and (cdr end) (%subchar str (cdr end)))
-                     (go-inexact!)
+                     (go-inexact! neg?)
                      (and (eq? radix 10)
                           (if (fx> len (fx+ (cdr end) 1))
                               (scan-decimal-tail (fx+ (cdr end) 1) neg? (car end))
@@ -2557,7 +2560,7 @@ EOF
                                       (cons (if (eq? sign 'neg) -1 1) next))
                                      ((and (fx<= (fx+ next 5) len)
                                            (string-ci=? (substring str next (fx+ next 5)) "inf.0"))
-                                      (go-inexact!)
+                                      (go-inexact! (eq? sign 'neg))
                                       (cons (if (eq? sign 'neg) -inf.0 +inf.0)
                                             (and (fx< (fx+ next 5) len)
                                                  (fx+ next 5))))
@@ -2567,7 +2570,7 @@ EOF
                            (or (and sign
                                     (fx<= (fx+ next 5) len)
                                     (string-ci=? (substring str next (fx+ next 5)) "nan.0")
-                                    (begin (go-inexact!)
+                                    (begin (go-inexact! (eq? sign 'neg))
                                            (cons (make-nan)
                                                  (and (fx< (fx+ next 5) len)
                                                       (fx+ next 5)))))
@@ -2595,7 +2598,13 @@ EOF
                         (make-polar (car r1) (car r2))))
                      (else #f)))))
     (and number (if (eq? exactness 'i)
-                    (exact->inexact number)
+                    (let ((r (exact->inexact number)))
+		      ;; Stupid hack because flonums can represent
+		      ;; negative zero, but we're coming from an exact
+		      ;; which has no such thing.
+		      (if (and negative (zero? r))
+			  (fpneg r)
+			  r))
                     ;; Ensure we didn't encounter +inf.0 or +nan.0 with #e
                     (and (finite? number) number)))))
diff --git a/runtime.c b/runtime.c
index 30620a22..5b4e1277 100644
--- a/runtime.c
+++ b/runtime.c
@@ -4791,7 +4791,8 @@ C_regparm C_word C_fcall C_equalp(C_word x, C_word y)
   if((header = C_block_header(x)) != C_block_header(y)) return 0;
   else if((bits = header & C_HEADER_BITS_MASK) & C_BYTEBLOCK_BIT) {
     if(header == C_FLONUM_TAG && C_block_header(y) == C_FLONUM_TAG)
-      return C_flonum_magnitude(x) == C_flonum_magnitude(y);
+      return C_ub_i_flonum_eqvp(C_flonum_magnitude(x),
+                                C_flonum_magnitude(y));
     else return !C_memcmp(C_data_pointer(x), C_data_pointer(y), header & C_HEADER_SIZE_MASK);
   else if(header == C_SYMBOL_TAG) return 0;
@@ -11179,7 +11180,7 @@ void C_ccall C_flonum_to_string(C_word c, C_word *av)
   if(f == 0.0 || (C_modf(f, &m) == 0.0 && log2(fa) < C_WORD_SIZE)) { /* Use fast int code */
-    if(f < 0) {
+    if(signbit(f)) {
       p = to_n_nary((C_uword)-f, radix, 1, 1);
     } else {
       p = to_n_nary((C_uword)f, radix, 0, 1);
diff --git a/tests/library-tests.scm b/tests/library-tests.scm
index eb380d73..05906492 100644
--- a/tests/library-tests.scm
+++ b/tests/library-tests.scm
@@ -58,6 +58,20 @@
 (assert (not (integer? "foo")))
 ; XXX number missing
+;; Negative vs positive zero (see #1627)
+(assert (not (eqv? 0.0 -0.0)))
+(assert (not (equal? 0.0 -0.0)))
+(assert (= 0.0 -0.0))
+(assert (not (positive? 0.0)))
+(assert (not (negative? 0.0)))
+(assert (zero? 0.0))
+(assert (not (positive? -0.0)))
+(assert (not (negative? -0.0)))
+(assert (zero? -0.0))
+;; Exactness
 (assert (exact? 1))
 (assert (not (exact? 1.0)))
 (assert (not (exact? 1.1)))
diff --git a/tests/numbers-string-conversion-tests.scm b/tests/numbers-string-conversion-tests.scm
index b71282de..485ac1e8 100644
--- a/tests/numbers-string-conversion-tests.scm
+++ b/tests/numbers-string-conversion-tests.scm
@@ -507,3 +507,11 @@
                     (error "No error on invalid base" b))))
   (condition-case (check-base 1)  ((exn type) 'ok))
   (condition-case (check-base 37) ((exn type) 'ok)))
+;; #1627 - Even though R7RS Scheme allows not distinguishing negative
+;; zero (as in the test above), we do.
+(assert (string=? "-0.0" (number->string -0.0)))
+(assert (string=? "0.0" (number->string +0.0)))
+(assert (eqv? -0.0 (string->number "-0.0")))
+(assert (eqv? 0.0 (string->number "+0.0")))
+(assert (eqv? 0.0 (string->number "0.0")))

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