
  Felix - Thanks for redoing the FFI stuff! its much nicer :).

  I'm switching from using my own version of CHICKEN_eval_string()
& friends to the builtin one, which is now a callback.
  When I was using my own version, I defined it in the normal top-level 
scheme file, and my eval-fn had access to all the units I included there.
  Now that I've switched, they don't (I believe they have access to the 
same units as the 'eval' library, since that is where the "boilerplate" 
embedding API now resides).
  This is not a problem - I can just call
 CHICKEN_eval_string("(declare (uses my-funny-units) ...)").
  I now have no use for my own top-level unit, though!  Everything is in 
libraries.  So I could just compile an empty file, but I'd rather just 
avoid it altogether.
  Now calling CHICKEN_run(NULL) crashes, of course, so I tried 
CHICKEN_run(C_eval_toplevel), which complains it needs the 'library' 
module, so I try running CHICKEN_run(C_library_toplevel), which seems to 
just exit -- as any toplevel would.

  My question: what is the *appropriate* way to go about this?
  Or, what is the minimum "boilerplate" required for a C_toplevel()
  which just calls (return-to-host)?
  - compiling just this statement generates about 130 LOC.

(maybe there should just be a C_return_to_host_toplevel to pass?)
thanks again,

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