On 5/29/06, Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just a small observation -- the propensity for long,
complicated URL's isn't a win. Typing the full
www.call/cc.org is a pain; the galinha site is also
not something I can memorize, and the same goes for
the united freaks site.

You could always use tinyurl.com, and a few easily-remembered mnemonics:

call-with-current-continuation.org --> http://tinyurl.com/a3nvm
"a three-nippled vole mouse"

the coop --> http://tinyurl.com/krzrq
"kick raging zebra, run quickly"

freaks wiki --> http://tinyurl.com/gkw5d
"good kind wiki, five dollars" (the bad-kind ones are a dime a dozen)

freaks manual --> http://tinyurl.com/jket4
"juicy kumquat equals tomatoes four" (the time-honoured nutritional maxim).



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