Harri Haataja wrote:
On 12/01/07, Peter Busser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Integrating these packages in Debian means that only Debian users
benefit from this effort. My idea is to support as many distributions as
possible, not only Debian. That way this effort benefits users of Adamantix, Ubuntu, Progeny, Knoppix, etc., etc. as well, not just users of Debian. And
it has the following advantages for Chicken users:

But sadly many of those may have a completely different (and possibly
ancient) version in themselves that the installer and possibly the
packager has to work around or clash with.

The fragmentation in the Linux world is ridiculous. I'm on my 4th OS installation attempt in 3 weeks, trying to get either dual boot or triple boot systems going, because of RedHat vs. Debian issues. All the Cell SDK stuff is RPM based, and it hadn't dawned on me that I simply couldn't use Debian. Not unless I wanted to rebuild all the packages from scratch, which probably wouldn't work, and would be very time consuming even if it did. So to get the various Linuxes to play ok with each other, I'm becoming far more of a boot and partition expert than I ever wanted to be.

I hope CMake / CPack starts performing some miracles sometime, because otherwise, I couldn't possibly take Linux packaging seriously. It's way too much of a mess.

Brandon Van Every

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