On Fri, Jan 05, 2007 at 01:15:08PM -0800, Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
> Peter Busser wrote:
> >
> >I am already packaging .deb packages for Adamantix, because Adamantix
> >uses Chicken for system level programming (i.e. security tools,
> >utilities, etc.). Also I have packaged over 200 eggs, a number which is
> >still growing. The advantage of using Debian packages instead of eggs is
> >that the Debian packaging system is much more advanced than the
> >chicken-setup system. And it is much easier to package and distribute
> >applications in the form of packages.
> But the clear disadvantage is it's only applicable to Debian systems.  
> Still, I'll wager that nobody has a problem with what you're up to!

True. The packaging is working well for Adamantix for quite some time.
Now I'm working on making it work for other Debian based distributions.
And when that is done, RPM based distributions will follow. Perhaps
other package formats will follow after that.

> CPack is distributed with CMake.  The documentation is still sparse, and 
> its capabilities are incomplete.  But, I believe it's supposed to cough 
> up packages for all sorts of different OSes.  This will be wonderful 
> when it does all materialize.  I'm sure it'll get done, but at present, 
> I'm in a "wake me when it happens" mode.

Interesting, thank you for the pointer. I'll have a look at it.


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