What OS (Linux?), what distro, what build system  (Automake, CMake,
pre-packaged), what is output of "csc -version", building from tarball or
Darcs head, what version?  And, please put all this in the bug tracker
http://trac.callcc.org .  Note that you will need to enter stuff on the
*SETTINGS* page so that Trac doesn't think you're spam.

Brandon Van Every

On 5/26/07, Dan Muresan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

$ cat x.scm
(require 'y)

(module x (fx)
   (define fx 10)

$ cat y.scm
(require 'x) (require-for-syntax 'x) (import x)

(define fy 20)

$ csc -R syntax-case -s x.scm
$ csc -R syntax-case -s y.scm
Error: (open-input-file) can not open file - Too many open files: "./x.so"
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
*** Shell command terminated with exit status 139:
/opt/chicken/bin/chicken y.scm -output-file y.c -dynamic -feature
chicken-compile-shared -quiet -require-extension syntax-case

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