Graham, many thanks for you reply; your pointers were very helpful.

First: another question. Then: a few comments regarding chicken based on my (limited) use.

Question: there seem to be several ways to load a scheme source file:
(use test)
(require 'test)
(require-extension test)
What are the differences, and which should I prefer?

Second: some comments on chicken:

Chicken on unix works very well. The integration with emacs via quack is quite good, although not quite as good as, say, SBCL with slime (since that has auto-completion in emacs; as mentioned in my previous email, I can get it in csi REPL, but not from within emacs). chicken-setup works beautifully, with the caveat that it dumps what seems like implementation files in the directory from which the command was run. In order to keep things tidy, this requires me to always switch to a standard directory (I put mine in ~/programming/scheme/chicken/eggs). I've played around with a few eggs, such as csv, readline, man, openal, octave -- and I'm very impressed with the fact that they Just Work. This is probably attributable to chicken's multiple and excellent FFI interfaces. This really invites the programmer to reuse existing C libraries -- and is indeed one primary reason I'm interested in Chicken.

On windows, it's a whole different story. I didn't manage to get the setup that I wanted. I'm not sure if that's because what I wanted can't be done, or if I did the setup wrong, etc. What I wanted was to *program* in a "unix-like" environment -- like MSYS -- but *targetting* native windows applications -- no extra, special cygwin dlls or the like. So I tried, and actually succeeded (after several aborted attempts) to build using CMake with MSYS buildfiles, having installed MSYS and MinGW into C:\MSYS\1.0 and C:\mingw, respectively. I realized after searching more on google, that while csi works from a windows CMD.EXE, it doesn't work from an MSYS rxvt -- in order for it to work in MSYS, I need the command `csi -:c'. No big deal for either of these. But now the show-stopper: chicken-setup doesn't work properly from either CMD.EXE or the MSYS shell. On CMD.EXE, chicken-setup crashes because it attempts to execute a pipe: `gunzip <FILE> | tar xvf -'. Unfortunately gunzip doesn't exist, and as a result the command fails (even if it did succeed, I'm not sure that windows supports piping so that the command would fail at the next step anyway!). So I tried unarchiving the tarballs myself in MSYS. Unfortunately, this solution is pretty bad. Firstly, because it only seemed to lead to more problems: on CMD.EXE, more commands that required "unix-like" features, and on MSYS, I would get an error message complaining that I couldn't generate executables (I think the problem is trying to invoke the "standard" gcc windows/msdos executable from the "cygwin-like" environment that is MSYS). Secondly, even if I had gotten it to work, it would have been highly impractical because each egg can have multiple dependencies, and I would need to repeat the above steps for all the dependencies.

So after spending five hours on the windows installation, I just gave up. This is a real shame, because win32 should be an ideal platform for chicken, with its great integration with other languages. It would be lovely to have a nice win32 GUI wrapper. It would be cool to use direct-x. It would be cool to be able to use Microsoft Speech API, etc, etc. And I think the fixes in chicken-setup.scm wouldn't be all that hard. There should be a new "build-platform" -- msys (currently, there is only cygwin and windows) -- that does the right thing assuming that you want to build native windows applications within a MSYS environment. I've seen a open ticket which details the changes necessary: replacing the tar and gzip commands with scheme versions that come preinstalled with the distribution.

More ambitiously, there should be a simple .msi installer which would query the user for installation directories of MSYS, CMake, MinGW, and Chicken, and then just unpack everything and possibly build -- so that at the end of the install, the user is dropped into an MSYS terminal, with all the tools ready to use. Currently, however, I get the impression that Windows compatibility is at very best an afterthought.

All in all, I'm very satisfied with Chicken, and will continue to use chicken for my scheme programming on Unix. I will however, steer clear of windows, at least until I'm better at scheme programming and I can do better than just pepper chicken-setup.scm with (print "Got here!") statements...


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