Hi guys,

On Mon, 2 Jul 2007 10:15:15 -0300 "Alex Queiroz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hallo,
> On 7/2/07, Martin Percossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > In that case, I have a few questions regarding your setup:
> > - are you using free compiler tools or MS?
>      I am using MinGW's GCC, binutils, make etc.
> > - if you use free compiler tools, do you use msys, or just MinGW?
>      Just MinGW.
> > - what build file did you use in CMake -- msys or MinGW?
>      I've chosen "MinGW Makefiles".
> > - where did you install msys/MinGW? As I mentioned, I put msys in
> > C:\msys\1.0, and put MinGW in C:\mingw. Is that ok?
>      My installation directories too.
> > - did you just install MSYS and MinGW using .exe installers? Or did you
> > do the install "by hand" -- i.e. unarchiving the various tarballs on the
> > MinGW downlad site? What other packages were required?
>      I got the tarballs:
> + binutils
> + gcc-core
> + w32api
> + mingw32-make
> + mingw32-runtime
> + mingw32-utils
> > - are you compiling and generally "doing things" from the MSYS terminal,
> > or from a CMD.EXE window?
>      From a CMD.EXE window.
> > - when I try to compile using chicken-setup inside MSYS, I get "gcc
> > could not create output file" -- or something like that (I'm at work
> > now, so don't have my windows box near me).  When I run in CMD.EXE I get
> > problems with untarring and unzipping the egg file. Have you seen
> > similar errors? Are you aware of workarounds?
>      You must grab gzip and tar for Windows. You can get them at
> http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/
> Personally, I have a c:\devtools directory hierarchy (bin, lib,
> include etc.) with lots of useful tools and libraries.

Maybe you can add those information to the "Compiling Chicken on
Windows XP with MinGW" tutorial at

Best wishes,

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