On 7/11/07, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
John Cowan scripsit:

> Excellent!  Can you put it in the repository?  Also, I think you should
> consider using the unspecified object as Lua nil; conceptually they
> are pretty much the same.  That frees up symbols (as well as strings)
> to be translated to Lua strings, since Lua strings serve some of the
> purposes of symbols in Scheme (they are immutable, in particular).

I just found out that Lua interns all strings, which makes them
even more like symbols.  So Scheme->Lua should accept either symbols
or strings, but Lua->Scheme should return symbols.

I have changed the egg to use (void) as representing Lua nil. That Lua
strings are interned is an implementation detail, though. I find mapping
them to Scheme strings more natural.


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