felix winkelmann scripsit:
> On 7/7/07, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >felix winkelmann scripsit:
> >
> >> I have most of it working, where you thinking of something
> >> particular? Or is evaluating Lua code enough?
> >
> >I'd like to see.  Why not publish it as an 0.1 egg?
> >
> Have a look at http://chicken.wiki.br/lua

Excellent!  Can you put it in the repository?  Also, I think you should
consider using the unspecified object as Lua nil; conceptually they
are pretty much the same.  That frees up symbols (as well as strings)
to be translated to Lua strings, since Lua strings serve some of the
purposes of symbols in Scheme (they are immutable, in particular).

At the end of the Metatarsal Age, the dinosaurs     John Cowan
abruptly vanished. The theory that a single         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
catastrophic event may have been responsible        http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
has been strengthened by the recent discovery of
a worldwide layer of whipped cream marking the
Creosote-Tutelary boundary.             --Science Made Stupid

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