On Eggs Unlimited 3, the top of the "Web programming" section looks
like this (rendered, not source):

Web programing

<chickenegg name="web-unity" license="BSD" author="sjamaan" description="Web 
app unification framework for CGI/SCGI/FCGI/Spiffy webservers"/>

ajax Using xmlHttpRequest with the Spiffy web-server MIT [[felix winkelmann]] 

I've fixed both these problems (the web-unity failure and the
[[...]] around felix's name) twice now, but they keep being

Is this page auto-generated?  If so, could the page *explain* this
at the top, so I can change the right stuff?

Also, I've made some minor clarifying changes to the spiffy docs at
http://chicken.wiki.br/spiffy ; is that going to be trashed too?


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