The Eggs Unlimited page is generated automatically from .meta files
in the egg SVN repository. The individual egg pages are created and
edited by people. So in order to fix entries on the Eggs Unlimited
page, you have to edit the appropriate .meta files.


Robin Lee Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I've fixed both these problems (the web-unity failure and the
>> [[...]] around felix's name) twice now, but they keep being
>> regenerated.
>> Is this page auto-generated?  If so, could the page *explain* this
>> at the top, so I can change the right stuff?
>> Also, I've made some minor clarifying changes to the spiffy docs
>> at ; is that going to be trashed
>> too?
> Seriously: I'd like to help make the wiki better, but I can't if I
> don't understand the rules.  Help?

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