On Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 10:22:32AM +0100, Peter Bex wrote:
> I've spent a bit of time thinking about this (unfortunately, no
> time to code it up yet).  At work we use Drupal, which simply
> requires you to wrap translatable strings with a function call to
> t(...). This is a solution that absolutely does not scale well
> because everytime it sees a t() call, it hits the database to
> retrieve the string. It caches pages, but still we see a lot of
> overhead in the roundtrips to the database for uncached pages.

Beyond not scaling well, that approach is flawed from the get-go;

I'm planning on writing a maketext-alike for Chicken.

That's somewhat a seperate issue, however.  I was planning on using
backing files rather than a database, but your (snipped) point about
going to the backing source (whatever it happens to be) as few times
as possible is a good one; thanks.


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