On Tue, Apr 06, 2010 at 11:24:20AM -0300, Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:
> Anyway, I've uploaded it here if you'd like to give it a try:
> http://aleph0.info/fast-io.tar.gz

I forgot -- whatch out for the file size and time to be spent in
benchmarks! You may want to change the value of +max+ in
benchmarks/run.scm to a smaller value and increase it gradually.

BTW, I've benchmarked complex reading ad writing too. I suppose 
the difference is huge for reading complexes because the read
procedure doesn't know that it's a complex number.

One caveat: fast-io reads and writes exactly as printf/scanf do,
so the external representation may not be the one used by your
other Scheme programs!


                scheme    fast-io   speedup
write fixnum    14.602      5.303    2.7535
read  fixnum    58.208     11.706    4.9725

write flonum    37.003     21.647    1.7094
read  flonum   100.367     15.626    6.4231

write complex   89.361     56.020    1.5952
read  complex 3076.952     59.476    51.734

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