Hi Jim

On Mon, 13 Sep 2010 08:57:39 -0400 Jim Pryor <lists+chic...@jimpryor.net> wrote:

> I'm confused by some of the version numbering in the egg repo. I know
> there's no uniform reporting of this in the metadata, but even allowing
> for that, these two facts still confuse me.
> The peep egg has a tags/ directory. The latest tag is 0.2.2. However
> installing peep v.0.2.2 then doing "chicken-status" reports peep at
> version 0.3.
> The loop egg has a tags/ directory. The only tag is 0.2. However,
> installing loop 0.2 then doing "chicken-status" reports loop at version
> 1.2.

Those are bugs.  The version indicated by the .setup file doesn't match
the one indicated by the tag directory.

Best wishes.

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