Mark Carter scripsit:

> What's the difference between a module and a library? I get the
> impression that libraries don't have localised "namespaces", can't
> export macros, and are perhaps suitable for linking with C; whereas
> modules are the opposite. Is that right?

A module is a syntax form that packages up definitions (and possibly
expressions), controls which names are exported from it, and specifies
which names from which other modules are imported into it.  An extension
library, or egg, is a packaging device that delivers one or more modules
in a form that can be loaded into a program (including the interpreter)
and imported.  Commonly a library has only one module, but this is not a

I now introduce Professor Smullyan,             John Cowan
who will prove to you that either     
he doesn't exist or you don't exist,  
but you won't know which.                               --Melvin Fitting

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