On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 12:31:35AM +1100, richo wrote:
> I've been working on another http engine for chicken (I know, reinventing 
> the wheel. but it seemed like a fun way to learn about how it worked).

We don't mind, in fact we slightly encourage a sense of anarchy and
diversity in our extensions.

> Anyway, it was fine to keep my code vendored up in the only project using it,
> but I want to use it in a second project, and as far as I can tell with the
> existing infrastructure I need to package it up and distribute it as an egg.
> Can someone with commit access please add:
> https://raw.github.com/richo/pilgrim/master/pilgrim.release-info
> To the relevant locations (and let me know if I did it right?

Done!  You did it right, AFAICT

> I couldn't see
> an obvious way to have (requires pilgrim) result in master being checked out
> while I'm still hacking on it.

Well, that's indeed not supported.  The distributed egg repository only
supports publishing released eggs with a given version.  You'll need to
tag a release and add this release to the release-info file for it to be
installable.  After pushing this, the egg should appear on the main
server within the hour.  I think Alaric's mirror takes a little longer
to show up.

> I followed this:
> http://wiki.call-cc.org/releasing-your-egg#github-git

Excellent.  If you had any difficulty I'd love to get feedback on this.

> Finally, I think this may be my first post to the list, so; Hi!

Hello!  Welcome!  Please help yourself to some tasty code :)


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