On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 02:10:04AM +1100, richo wrote:
> On 13/01/13 16:02 +0100, Peter Bex wrote:
> >>To the relevant locations (and let me know if I did it right?
> >
> >Done!  You did it right, AFAICT
> So I just post to the list again with each new version? Or will it enumerate
> my tags automagically?

The manual action is required to add your .release-info file to the
master list, so it knows to fetch this file.  After that, any change to
release-info is automatically picked up whenever it's redownloaded
(which happens every hour or so).

You can use the git-egg-author egg to streamline the process of tagging

> Thinking about it, it should be pretty easy to develop new features in my
> application, and when they're stable push them back into pilgrim to be
> generally consumable, and then bump the patchlevel.

I think that should work.  But please don't overdo it wrt number of
releases.  For each release we cache a complete copy of the code.

> >>I followed this:
> >>http://wiki.call-cc.org/releasing-your-egg#github-git
> >
> >Excellent.  If you had any difficulty I'd love to get feedback on this.
> So far it was good. A few weird loops I ended up in, I might put together
> some thoughts tomorrow.



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