On Feb 21, 2013, at 1:50 PM, Jörg F. Wittenberger wrote:

> On Feb 20 2013, Mario Domenech Goulart [well, actually, I, Jim] wrote:
>>> "join-strings", and "string-match" or "match-string".  Another is to
>>> keep the s- prefix, which is a natural grouping.  Or you could
>>> require the user to prefix on import, but if that's always needed due
>>> to conflicts, why make them go through the extra step?
> I'd disagree.
> I feel that using the (personally *much* appreciated) rename feature
> chicken provides to disambiguate at the users choice would be the
> best way to deal with this kind of matter.

You're totally free to do so, it seems there is no one right
answer, and my opinion has changed even between eggs.

> Adding this simple statement doesn't make much of a difference to
> your source code.  However *not* having the feature at hand and
> have to rename all identifiers manually when you want to exchange
> one implementation for another is a real burden.

In this case the implementation is essentially of the s.el API, not
a generic strings library, and so an alternate implementation
of the API could just as easily be prefixed s-* to indicate the s.el
API with different underlying code.


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