Hello -

With Internet Explorer, searching on "Chicken Scheme" and clicking on "wiki.call-cc.org/manual/index" I get
'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage'.

With Firefox as default browser if I click on the link "wiki.call-cc.org/manual/index" from my email message it opens "wiki.call-cc.org/man/4/The User's Manual" which is the right page but with a different URL. So it depends
on guessing the right approach.


John Sampson

On 08/03/2013 15:22, Matt Gushee wrote:
Hi, John--

I don't have time for thorough testing this morning, but I've tried the URL you mention and a couple of others in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera on my Linux box, and am not seeing any problem.

It might be useful to know if this happens with other browsers on your system.

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