On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 1:48 AM, Andy Bennett <andy...@ashurst.eu.org>wrote:

> Hi,
> > When specifying your own multiple Content-Type, you
> > need to include the boundary:
> >
> >   Content-Type: "multipart/alternative; boundary=xyzzy"
> >   Boundary: "xyzzy"
> >
> > [Ideally it should infer the boundary in this case, and it
> > would also be nice to automatically generate the boundary
> > when unspecified.]
> >
> > This should prevent everything falling out to the top-level
> > as you described, though it may not generate quite what
> > you want.  You can log issues on hato.googlecode.com
> > <http://hato.googlecode.com>.
> > If it's a bug I'll try to fix it, but feature requests will largely
> > be pending the port to R7RS.
> >
> >
> >     hato seems to generate MIME messages with a single boundary string.
> >
> >
> > Attachments may include nested attachments, which will
> > result in nested multiparts with different boundaries.  You
> > should only need one top-level boundary in your case though.
> Thanks for the tips. I've fiddled with it some more but I can't get it
> to produce exactly the right structure.

OK, then could you file a bug?  If it's not actually broken
make it a feature request.  [One thing it needs is an option
to disable the implicit body when using attachments.]

You can file a separate bug for the timezone format.

Patches welcome!


> -----
> (send-mail From:    "Pat Andrews <p...@knodium.com>"
>            To:      "Andy Pandy <andy...@knodium.com>"
>            Subject: "Hato Test"
>            Charset: "ISO-8859-1"
>            Content-Type: "multipart/alternative; boundary=xyzzy"
>            Boundary: "xyzzy"
>            Body: "Hello this is the first attachment"
>            Attachments: '((Content-Type: "text/plain" Body: "This is the
> second
> attachment")))
> -----
> Produces:
> -----
> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="xyzzy"
> -----
> ...in the headers
> and
> -----
> --xyzzy
> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="xyzzy"; charset="ISO-8859-1"
> --xyzzy
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
> This is the second attachment
> --xyzzy
> Content-Type: text/plain
> --xyzzy--
> --xyzzy--
> -----
> ...in the body.
> The "This is the first attachment" text is mysteriously missing and the
> structure of the message is wrong because there's an extra MIME header
> at the start of the body.
> -----
> (send-mail From:    "Pat Andrews <p...@knodium.com>"
>            To:      "Andy Pandy <andy...@knodium.com>"
>            Subject: "Hato Test"
>            Charset: "ISO-8859-1"
>            Content-Type: "multipart/alternative"
>            Boundary: "xyzzy"
>            Body: "Hello this is the first attachment"
>            Attachments: '((Content-Type: "text/plain" Body: "This is the
> second
> attachment")))
> -----
> (i.e. omiting the "boundary=" bit from the Content-Type header)
> produces:
> -----
> Content-Type: text/plain
> -----
> ...in the headers
> and
> -----
> --xyzzy
> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; charset="ISO-8859-1"
> Hello this is the first attachment
> --xyzzy
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
> This is the second attachment
> --xyzzy
> -----
> ...in the body.
> The structure of this one is *almost* correct but the Content-Type in
> the header is wrong: it should be "multipart/alternative..." and the
> Content-Type in the first part of the body is wrong: it should be
> "text/plain". Also, there's no specification of the boundary anywhere.
> Perhaps I could hack hato-smtp.scm to do what I wanted but I'm not
> particularly familiar with the appropriate standards so I thought I'd
> discuss it here first.
> The only way I could come up with for getting hato to not generate an
> extra MIME header at the start of the body was to use the Body: in
> send-mail and a single attachment but that leaves no way to specify both
> the fact the parts are alternative and the Content-Type of the first part.
> Regards,
> @ndy
> --
> andy...@ashurst.eu.org
> http://www.ashurst.eu.org/
> 0x7EBA75FF
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