On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 5:41 PM, Alex Charlton <alex.n.charl...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm pleased to announce glls: a (pseudo-)Scheme to GLSL (OpenGL Shader
> Language) compiler. Embedding GLSL shaders into your programs is now as
> easy as writing S-expressions in a Scheme file. The compilation from a glls
> definition to a GLSL shader happens at compile-time, so using glls has no
> run-time cost (aside from having it loaded into memory). Using glls gives
> your Scheme program knowledge about your shaders, so shader and program
> compilation as well as attribute and uniform location retrieval is provided
> automatically.
> If you're familiar with Varjo (a Common Lisp project), glls performs a
> similar task but with a more limited scope. While Varjo performs
> type-checking to validate its shaders, glls is a very literal compiler: you
> get what you write – even if you write something wrong. Errors at the GLSL
> level are therefore caught during GLSL compilation rather than during
> glls->GLSL compilation.
> If I may be so bold: The best has yet to come for glls. While defining
> your shaders in Scheme is convenient, the true power of this comes from
> taking advantage of what your Scheme program then knows about the shaders.
> Future work on glls will see automatic compilation of rendering functions
> for each pipeline, as well as tools for dynamic re-loading of pipelines for
> all your REPL-based shader hacking sessions.
> If you’re interested, check out the source:
> https://github.com/AlexCharlton/glls
> And the docs:
> https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/glls
> And if someone could add this to the egg list, I would be most
> appreciative.
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlexCharlton/glls/master/glls.release-info
> Thanks!
Oh my! The documentation is huge! And with examples!

Very, very nice.

-- Stephen
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