Yaroslav Tsarko scripsit:

> Why don`t just add *(use utf8)* line explicitly to all the eggs that
> handle strings? That will ultimately fix the problem
> and will clearly indicate that egg performs string manipulations and
> is capable of handling UTF-8 encoding.

That will certainly work, but has an efficiency cost that may not always
need to be paid, depending on exactly what is meant by "handling strings".
If you look at the utf8 documentation, it shows exactly which procedures
are overridden by the egg.

John Cowan          http://www.ccil.org/~cowan        co...@ccil.org
Be yourself.  Especially do not feign a working knowledge of RDF where
no such knowledge exists.  Neither be cynical about RELAX NG; for in
the face of all aridity and disenchantment in the world of markup,
James Clark is as perennial as the grass.  --DeXiderata, Sean McGrath

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