On Thu, May 07, 2015 at 01:19:34AM -0400, Nick Van Horn wrote:
> The problem arises when I try to deploy with:
> csc -deploy foo.scm
> chicken-install -deploy -p ./foo openssl [... +other extensions]
> Both commands run without error. All extensions install in the
> deployment repository without (any obvious) error. However, running the
> newly created executable generates the error:
> Error: (ssl-connect) Unable to connect over HTTPS. To fix this, install
> the openssl egg and try again:


> My application uses a custom egg that implicitly imports openssl. I've
> added an explicit (use openssl) in each file of the program, but this
> hasn't helped.

Hello Nick,

This won't help because Spiffy has a run-time dependency on openssl,
which it tries to load via something like this:

(define ssl-port?
  (handle-exceptions _ #f (eval `(let () (use ssl) ssl-port?))))

The idea is that on Windows openssl is too painful to install, so making
it a hard dependency is considered obnoxious.

> Can anyone suggest what might be causing this problem? For what it's
> worth, including (use chicken-syntax) did not solve this problem...

Can you try what it prints when you run the eval above from your deployed
application and then display the value of "ssl-port?"?  It may be that
deployment mode has trouble loading libraries in "eval", or perhaps the
dynamic dependency in Spiffy is broken somehow.


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