> Then this is probably a bug: it seems that in deploy mode, evaled code
> does not use the deployment search path.  I've created a ticket to track
> this bug: https://bugs.call-cc.org/ticket/1191

Great---thanks for doing this. This bug has derailed my plans to deploy
this application on other machines. Hopefully the solution is simple
enough to see this fixed someday soon.

Is there any possible quick-fix to use in the meantime, so that I can
begin testing things in my deployed environment?

> Yeah, but those use statements are evaluated at compile-time.

Ah, that makes sense.

>> In fact, the "missing" openssl module is only noticed downstream, when
>> my original error is thrown by http-client.
> I don't understand what you mean by that.

I only mean that I hadn't noticed this bug until I tried a secure
connection with http-client. The other aspects of my application had
been working fine in interpreted and deployed versions of the code. This
was surprising to me until you clarified the compile-time evaluation.

Thanks again!

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