I cannot seem to access this egg.  'chicken-install' doesn't know about
it (yet?) which didn't surprise me too much, but I also get HTTP 404
errors when using the link to the source from the egg's doc page on
call-cc.org (and ditto for the link on the askemos.org page):


Is there some other place I should check?



> To: chicken-users <chicken-users@nongnu.org>
> From: Jörg F. Wittenberger <joerg.wittenber...@softeyes.net>
> Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2015 22:38:54 +0100
> Subject: [Chicken-users] New egg: hopefully
> Hi,
> I just released the "hopefully" egg:  Composable transactional memory.
> API inspired by Clojure's ref's and STMX.
> Currently only some record types may be used with hopefully.  Further
> versions should add other mutable types.
> I'd love to get feedback on the API.
> https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/hopefully
> Release-info and source is at
> http://askemos.org/chicken-eggs/index.html
> (this may be added the egg index).
> Best
> /Jörg
> BTW: STM is usually advertised because it frees the programmer from
> getting locking sequences right.  However at least the "good", low level
> API appears to here be marginally (~5-10%) faster than the equivalent
> code using mutexs.

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