Am 19.12.2015 um 23:31 schrieb Sudarshan S Chawathe:
> Thanks for the update. I see the same behavior with tests/run.scm as
> before: Compilation with csc is fine, but executing the resulting file
> 'run' gives exactly the same error as before:
>   Error: assertion failed: (= (obox-v b1) 455)
> (Detailed error message is same as in my earlier message.)

Hm, that's strange.  I blindly assumed this to somehow follow from the
import gone wrong.

Now I did no do much yesterday but re-run this over and over again to
tune the implementation.  Neither on 4.9.1 or master.

Could you please _replace_ the let form in run.scm starting around line
217 with the one below and try.  Should give me more details.

The expected output:

D #<thread: thread182>: also in other thread former ref is still
D even after commit.  (Note: tests caching of references to fields.): 9
T2 x cc 2 6
T1 x cc 2 7
T2 y cc 2 7
T2 done cc 2 65
T1 y cc -2 6
T1 done cc -2 42
T1 x cc -3 7
T1 y cc -3 65
T1 done cc -3 455
D M1: not-owned
D M2: not-abandoned
Locking 20000 op in 1530.0 ms (13.0718954248366 op/ms)
Optimistic 20000 op in 1324.0 ms (15.1057401812689 op/ms)

Thanks for your help.


Here the more verbose test expression:

(let ((mux1 (make-mutex 'T1)) (mux2 (make-mutex 'T2))
      (call-count 0))
  (define (step! msg mux1 mux2 val)
    (mutex-unlock! mux1)
    (if (and mux2 (> call-count 0) (< call-count 100)) (mutex-lock! mux2
#f #f))
    (if msg (format (current-error-port) "~a cc ~a ~a\n" msg call-count
  (mutex-lock! mux1 #f #f)
  (mutex-lock! mux2 #f #f)
   (lambda ()
      (lambda (tnx)
        (if (>= call-count 0) (set! call-count (add1 call-count))
            (set! call-count (sub1 call-count)))
        (if (< call-count 100)
            (let ((a (obox-v-ref b2 tnx))
                  (b (obox-v-ref b1 tnx)))
              ;; Normally one should never do this.  We enforce thread
              ;; switches during transaction.
               (let* ((x (step! "T2 x" mux1 mux2 (cell-ref a)))
                     (y (step! "T2 y" mux1 mux2 (cell-ref b))))
                 (+ 23 (* x y))))
              (step! "T2 done" mux1 #f (cell-ref a)))
            (step! "T2 call count exceeded" mux1 #f call-count))))
     (set! call-count (- call-count))))
   (lambda (tnx)
     (if (>= call-count 0) (set! call-count (add1 call-count))
          (set! call-count (sub1 call-count)))
     (let ((a (obox-v-ref b1 tnx))
           (b (obox-v-ref b2 tnx)))
        (let* ((x (step! "T1 x" mux2 mux1 (cell-ref a)))
              (y (step! "T1 y" mux2 mux1 (cell-ref b))))
          (* x y)))
       (step! "T1 done" mux2 #f (cell-ref a)))))
  (assert (= call-count -3)) ;; -- not defined to be -3, but normally
  (dbg 'M1 (mutex-state mux1))
  (dbg 'M2 (mutex-state mux2))
  (assert (= (obox-v b1) 455))
  (assert (= (obox-v b2) 65)))

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