
I'm planning on using Tk in a project, and was wondering what's the current status of Tk support in Chicken. So Chicken 4 has two eggs, pstk and tk. Of these, pstk is listed under "Unsupported or redundant". What's the reason for that? I thought pstk was essentially an enhanced version of Wolf-Dieter Busch's Chicken/Tk.

Also, is anybody working on porting either of these eggs to Chicken 5? I'll probably stick to Chicken 4 for my project for the time being, since a number of distros don't ship C5 yet. I'd volunteer to port the egg myself at some point in the future though, once I do transition to 5.

On a side note, a while ago I was in contact with Mr. Busch and asked if he would relicense the tk egg under BSD terms, to which he agreed. As far as I can tell he hasn't actually taken any steps to do so, however. In any case, afaik the "Bremer License" is not applicable here, because it specifically and exclusively covers the OSCI library, of which Chicken/Tk is not a component. So in it's current state, Chicken/Tk is not free software, strictly speaking.

Best wishes,

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